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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 182

Chapter 182 The House Has Collapsed!

A while later, Sam finally let go of Yvonne. He appeared hesitant to speak.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, sensing his hesitance.

After some thought, he decided to be upfront with her. “My dad had a talk with me just now. He said that… we probably can’t bail out your family.”

“Why?” Yvonne gasped in shock. She married Sam because she needed their financial support. Without it, the Dickmans would go bankrupt. She didn’t do all of that out of love for her family. She merely understood that she had to protect them, for she would lose her standing in the Blooms if the Dickmans went down.

Feeling guilty, Sam couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eyes. “Alec talked to my dad before, and he said he’d bring down your family if we were to help you out. If we did nothing, he’d hold back too.”

All color drained from her face. She bit her lip hard and hissed, “Alec Faust!”

“Yvonne, don’t lose sleep over it. We should feel glad that Alec promises not to hurt your family. Perhaps your dad could seek help from others in Parrington. I believe someone will lend a helping hand,” Sam comforted her.

She smiled bitterly, knowing that no one could help them. Else, her family wouldn’t have landed in this dire situation. She looked at Sam, incredulous that the man she looked down on was now her greatest support.

“Sam, would you look down on me if I’m no longer the daughter of a wealthy family?” she asked.

Without thinking, he shook his head. “Of course not! I don’t care about your status. I just want you by my side.”


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