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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 204

Chapter 204 Can’t You Accept It?

When Jenny and Gilbert arrived back home from their shopping trip, they found Zack looking angry and flustered. Concerned, Jenny approached him and asked what was wrong. Zack, seeming to snap out of his anger, glared at Justin before storming off to the kitchen with Gilbert, without answering her. Puzzled, Jenny turned to Justin and asked him what had happened.

“He was playing a game earlier, but he wasn’t very good at it, so I teased him a little. He’s probably upset about it,” Justin replied, looking apologetic.

Jenny couldn’t help but laugh at the situation, patting Justin’s head to comfort him. “Don’t worry, it’s not a big deal. He just needs to practice more.” After reassuring Justin, Jenny made her way to the kitchen with a smile. “Zack, even Justin can see that your skills suck. Why don’t you put in a little effort and improve your skills?” she suggested.

“I don’t see the point in wasting time on games,” Zack grumbled, clearly still annoyed. “And why are these country kids better than me anyway?”

Jenny shared that when she went to the countryside to work at the free clinic, she brought a video game because she feared it would be boring there.

Justin often came to play with her, and she taught him how to play a few times. However, she didn’t expect Justin would turn out to be very talented at it and even better than her after a few games. Jenny acknowledged the importance of talent; if nurtured the right way, Justin would be unstoppable.

Zack was still feeling a little upset and he didn’t know what to say. He understood the importance of talent too. Jenny’s talent in computers was a good example. She was always much better than him, no matter how hard he tried to catch up.

Jenny then asked, “Okay, Zack, why are you so upset because of a child?” She gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, and then an idea struck her. “You know what, Zack? Why don’t you take Justin as your foster son? Imagine how proud you’d feel to have such a talented kid as your son in the future.”

Zack was taken aback by her suggestion and looked at her in disbelief.


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