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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 235

Chapter 235 This Is Her Ex-husband

Jenny rolled her eyes at the pickup line. “Mr. Pearson, I don’t mind if you want to flirt around with women, but please stay away from my friends.”

“Don’t be so heartless, Jenny. We’re friends, too.” Max sat down in front of Jade and smiled. “Hi. I’m Jenny’s friend, Max Pearson.”

Jenny was speechless. Compared to her, Jade seemed much calmer. Little boys like him always amused her. “Hello. I’m Jade Weston. You may call me Miss Jade.”

“Miss Jade?” Max frowned. “That’s like calling you my elementary school teacher.”

Jade chuckled. Jenny was about to speak, but then another figure appeared. She looked up and saw Alec.

Alec was feeling a tirade of emotions. He noticed that Jenny had stopped talking and thought she didn’t want to see him. Apologetically, he said, “Sorry. I’ll take him away at once. Sorry to have bothered you.”

“Don’t be so anxious to leave. I haven’t eaten anything yet.” Max didn’t want to leave. It was rare for him to find someone who could be on the same wavelength as him. It’d be a shame if he left.

Alec’s face darkened. He glared at Max. “Are you leaving or not? Don’t make me punch you.” He could control himself in front of Jenny, but he had a limit.

*Alec Faust!” Max thought Alec simply wanted to antagonize him, but now, he was clearly trying to ruin his shot at happiness.

Just before Alec was about to strike, Jade said, “Since you’re Jenny’s friend, you may sit down with us. What do you think, Jenny?”

Jenny had no choice but to nod under Jade’s gaze. “Yeah. They can sit.”


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