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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 395

Chapter 395 Apologies, Sir

Jenny came out from the surgery room exhausted.

“Here.” Christopher offered a bottle of water to her, but she didn’t take it.

“Why are you here?” she asked, thinking if the man couldn’t leave her alone for once.

“Just worried about you.” He smiled, following her to her office.

Jenny sat back in her chair, resting. “I’m fine. Nothing to worry about.”

“Are you sure you’re fine?” Christopher sat down opposite her. “You don’t need to act tough, you know.”

Jenny glared at him, too lazy to speak.

“Breakups are bound to hurt. But you know what they say, time and rebounds are the best way to make it through.” Christopher grinned. “So why don’t you reconsider being with me? I’m way better than Alec Faust, let me tell you that.”

Jenny wanted to hit him, but she held back. “How many times do I need to tell you? I don’t like Have you never taken me seriously?”


She hadn’t been interested in Christopher once, and that wouldn’t change even if Alec weren’t in the picture.

“Things change, don’t they? Just because you weren’t interested before doesn’t mean you won’t ever be.” Christopher shrugged. There was no reason to give up now, especially when Jenny was single.

Jenny sighed and pinched her nose bridge.

“Are you okay? I can send you back if you need to rest,” Christopher quickly offered.


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