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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 460

Chapter 460 It's Best to Fire Him

They ate at the dining table.

Jenny had to admit that Alec's cooking skills were improving. This meal tasted like one in a five-star restaurant.

"Is Alfred working in your company?" Alec suddenly asked.

Jenny was stunned. She looked at him in disbelief. "Do you know him?"

Alec nodded and told her about the investigation. "You mentioned him last night, so I told Vincent to do some digging. I didn't think that an illegitimate child would actually exist."

Jenny smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say. She was only suspicious before, but now it was confirmed. "Why is he working at my company if he's your father's son?" she asked. It couldn't just be a coincidence.

Alec looked at her, evidently deep in thought. "I think he has ulterior motives. It's best to fire him." He would never be at ease with someone like Alfred by Jenny’s side.

"That's going to be hard. I just signed a contract with him. If I fire him now, I'll have to compensate him." Jenny smiled bitterly. She blamed herself for not doing a background check before hiring him.

Alec thought it was hilarious. "I'll pay."

"It's not about the money. It's about my pride." Alfred was the one with the ulterior motive. Why was she the one who would suffer losses?

"So what are you going to do? Are you going to let him work at your company?" Alec was upset, but he didn't show it. He knew that Jenny had her own ideas. She didn't like anyone making decisions for her.

Jenny was not going to deceive him. She nodded. "Based on his resume, he's a genius. As long as he doesn't sabotage the company, I could care less about whose son he is."

Alec couldn't tell if she was joking. "What if...what if his goal has nothing to do with the company but with you?" he asked. He thought it was a great possibility.


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