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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 476

Chapter 476 Flabbergasted

Jenny nodded, guessing that the people sitting in that row should all be excellent alumni. A few of them were even famous figures that Jenny had already known when she was still studying. It was just that she didn’t care much back then, as she immersed herself in studying. Her relationship with her classmates was average at best. Now that she had come, there were only a few people whom she really knew.

“Hello, I’m Jenny Walter.” She nodded politely, not meaning to continue the conversation with the other person.

However, Derrick obviously didn’t intend to stop there. Still seated next to Jenny, he said, “You’re so young. You just graduated not long ago, right? You must be excellent to be invited back to the anniversary celebration as an outstanding graduate. So, what scientific research experience do you have? Which hospital are you working at?”

Those seated there either had prolific scientific research experience or worked in top hospitals; in Derrick’s case, he was the latter. He was the chief physician of Bardoff Hospital and had always been very proud of it.

Jenny frowned, as she really didn’t know about any of that. “I’m working in Parrington Hospital.” As for scientific research experience, Jenny did have some, but they were all published when she was abroad. Not only that, but she was also backed by her teacher, so publishing some articles was naturally not a problem for her. Jenny felt it wasn’t her own achievement, so she didn’t plan to tell anyone about it.

At that moment, many people were pricking up their ears to listen to the conversation between them. After all, they were very curious about how the university determined who were outstanding graduates. Upon hearing that Jenny was working in Parrington Hospital, many people’s expressions changed subtly. There was a hint of condescension in the way they looked at her. Parrington Hospital may be considered a top hospital in Parrington itself, but within the country, it could only be regarded as an ordinary third-class hospital. It wasn’t even known internationally. They can’t figure out why Jenny could be considered an outstanding alumnus.

Of course, Jenny noticed the change in everyone’s demeanor, but she didn’t care. She came today as a sign of respect for her university. As for the other people there, she couldn’t care less about them. Turning her attention to the high platform in front of her, she saw that the university’s president had already gone up to give his speech. Jenny listened carefully, ignoring Derrick’s look of bewilderment.


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