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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 479

Chapter 479 I Just Want Your Life

Jenny chuckled and didn’t take it seriously. “Who knows? I’m not interested in him anyway.”

She wasn’t joking; she really wasn’t interested in Derrick. Hence, she didn’t care about what he was up to. It had nothing to do with her as far as she was concerned.

Upon hearing Jenny’s words, Alec inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief once more. It was good that she wasn’t interested in him. He was dreading that Jenny might somehow be interested.

Alec drove at a consistent speed. Soon, they arrived at the entrance of Perry Residence. After Jenny got out of the car in the underground parking lot, she noticed that Alec was still inside and hadn’t gotten out yet. She asked, “Do you have something else to do?”

“Yeah. There’s still some work at the company,” Alec replied.

“Since you had something to do, you didn’t have to come and pick me up. It was troublesome for you to make that extra trip.” Jenny felt a little guilty. She thought Alec had come to pick her up after finishing his work.

Alec had a smile on his face as he said to her, “It’s no trouble at all. The time spent with you is the most relaxing time in my day. I wish I could be with you every day.”

Although it sounded cheesy, Alec meant every word he said.

Jenny’s cheeks became slightly flushed. She didn’t expect him to be so candid and glared at him. exasperatedly. “Who wants to be with you every day? Just because you have the time for that doesn’t mean it’s the same for me.”

Besides, if she remembered correctly, she hadn’t forgiven this man yet, right?

Alec didn’t argue with her. As long as Jenny understood his feelings, that was enough. “Go back quickly. I’ll leave now.” Alec waved at her and drove away.

Jenny watched his car disappear and then turned to enter the elevator, pressing the button for her floor. While waiting for the elevator, Jenny kept thinking about her relationship with Alec. Sometimes, she couldn’t figure out her own feelings toward him.


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