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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 485

Chapter 485 Worry About Yourself

They didn't believe her, but Jenny didn't mind it and said nothing. It wasn't wise to make grand promises right away, for anything could happen, and unexpected circumstances could arise.

"Is everything okay on your end?" Jenny looked at the people who had spoken up just now and then turned to Natalia. The surgery required the approval of all members of the Cruz family; otherwise, there would be trouble later.

Natalia nodded, "Don't worry, I'll take care of them."

She didn't care about those people; she had already convinced her parents, and her grandfather agreed that the surgery was necessary.

"Okay? Jenny nodded and said, "Tomorrow, besides me being the surgeon, we will also need doctors from other departments to cooperate. So, arrangements with the hospital..."

"You don't have to worry about it. I'll take care of everything. Just tell me what to do," Natalia said.

Jenny nodded in response. She could tell that Natalia really wanted to save her grandfather. After giving brief instructions about what to do, Jenny left the hospital but didn't go back to her hotel. Instead, she drove to where the Walters were located.

It wasn't hard to find. In fact, the Walter Inc building was in the city center, and Walter Castle was easy to locate. Jenny only took a look at the entrance and didn't alert anyone.

She would wait until after Natalia's grandfather's surgery to make her move. She thought it was risky to do anything now since she’d given Natalia her word. If something went wrong and she couldn't perform the surgery for Natalia's grandfather, she would have to bear the guilt for the rest of her life.


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