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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 487

Chapter 487 Don't Think Too Much

Natalia stared blankly into space for a while before suddenly bursting into tears. Everyone was confused. "Wasn't the surgery successful? Why is she crying?" they all wondered.

But soon, Natalia started laughing. “I knew Dr. Walter would succeed! I just knew it!"

She was extremely glad for her decision and for insisting on trusting Jenny. Otherwise, things wouldn't have turned out so well.

"Miss, my grandfather..."

"He's been taken to the intensive care unit. We'll have to wait and see how he recovers in the coming days." The postoperative period was the most dangerous time, and no one could be sure that complications wouldn't arise.

Natalia nodded and thanked the nurse. While everyone went to the ICU to see her grandfather, she stayed behind. Soon, Jenny came out of the operating room, and Natalia approached her.

Jenny was a little surprised seeing her there. "Didn't the nurse tell you?

Your grandfather has been transferred to the ICU. Why aren't you making your way there to see him?"

"I know." Natalia looked at Jenny sincerely. "I just wanted to thank you personally."

Jenny laughed. "Looking at how surprised you are, I kind of suspect you didn't really have any hope for me since the beginning."

Natalia was embarrassed and couldn't admit that she had indeed doubted Jenny's abilities.

"If you never had any hope in me, why did you approach me in the first place?" Jenny asked, puzzled by her behavior.


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