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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 491

Chapter 491 I'll Remember This

Jolene continued to sip on her coffee while criticizing Jenny, speaking contemptuously of her. Little did she know that Jenny was in the cafe and could hear her conversation with her friend.

Jenny didn't know the woman and didn't understand why she had such animosity toward her. However, she was no pushover, and if someone spoke about her so degradingly, she felt like she had to step in and do something. She couldn't just lay low and allow others to trample all over her.

She got up, walked over to the girl named Jo, and patted her on the shoulder. Jolene turned around and saw Jenny, who was smiling at her. She thought Jenny looked familiar but couldn't quite place where she’d seen her before.

'Who are you? Why are you touching me? Are you crazy?" Jolene fired away with annoyance.

Jenny remained smiling and wasn't angry at her audacity. ’ It's me. I'm Jenny, the cheap woman you happily criticized a moment ago."

The air seemed to freeze when Jenny announced who she was, and Jolene couldn't believe what she was hearing. She remembered seeing a photo of Jenny before, and although she was attractive, she wasn't exactly stunning. But the Jenny in front of her was something else entirely. She was unable to react for some time.

After a while, Jolene's friend was the first to say something. ’ You're Jenny? You made Jo's father scold her. I thought you were innocent, but now that I see you...you look like a cheap gold digger. Jo's criticisms were justified, then.'*

Jenny laughed at how ridiculously shameless they were. She sneered, "What a joke! Your father scolded you because of me? I'm not the real reason; it's all because you're incompetent. I was just a scapegoat."

Parents tended to be like that. They liked to praise others to belittle their own children.

"How dare you say I'm incompetent! Do you even know who


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