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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 494

Chapter 494 Watch Your Words

Graham had claimed that the woman and the child he had with her had died, so they didn't pursue it further. She also decided to marry him because she thought that bitch was dead and couldn't pose any threat to her. But now it seemed that it was all just a lie Graham told to let the bitch's daughter live.

"Watch your words! That's my daughter you're talking about,” Graham responded frostily, looking at Rowena with extreme displeasure.

Over the years, Rowena had seen how ruthless he could be, so she didn't confront him directly. "You've deceived me all these years,' she sneered, being equally nasty.

Graham, however, didn't care at all. He merely gave her a cold smirk. "If it hadn't been for you and the rest of the Walters forcing me into a corner, I wouldn't have done this."

He wanted to keep his daughter by his side, but if he'd gone through with his original intention, Jenny might not have survived.

"So it's still my fault at the end of the day, huh?" Rowena asked coldly, her eyes full of contempt. ”1 don't care if that little bastard is dead or alive, but let me tell you this clearly, Jolene is the only daughter of the Walter family. If anyone dares to threaten her position, you know what I'll do."

Graham's expression changed too, and he didn't relent in the slightest. "Rowena, you need to understand that this is the Walter family."

"So you've made up your mind to bring that little bitch back here?"


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