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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 741

Jenny had just returned to Walter Castle when Rowena stormed up to her, yelling, "Why haven't you stopped your war with my family? Do you want to see your mother dead?!"

Jenny gave her a lazy stare. "Do you really take us for fools, Rowena Glass?"

"I…what do you mean?" Rowena instantly quelled, fear swelling in size in her heart.

They couldn't have figured it out…could they? But the double looked so much like that woman, Rowena nearly didn't stop herself from tearing her face apart when she first saw her.

"What do I mean? You really think you can play us like a bunch of idiots with that sad little fake you call my mother?" Jenny sneered.

Even if she couldn't tell the difference, Graham had been able to based on his years of devotion toward her. Hadn't Rowena considered this when they chose the body double?

Yes, she actually had considered it, but they figured Graham wouldn't have remembered that woman so clearly after all these years.

Looks like they'd underestimated his love for her. Not only had he been able to tell, but he'd also been able to tell in such a short time. It went to show just how much he loved Jenny's mother.

Rowena teared up at the thought. She screamed, "All these years, and he still only has eyes for that bitch!"

She'd been Graham's wife for two decades and even had a daughter together. Still, she never once compared to that woman.

"Watch your tongue!" Jenny snapped harshly.

But Rowena didn't give a damn. She glared at Jenny and, as if seeing someone else, screeched, "So what if Graham loves you? I'm the one he's married to now, me!"


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