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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96 What Are You Doing Here?

Alec slept fitfully that night. In his dreams, he was back on the day he and Jenny got their marriage certificate. This time, however, instead of his grandfather arranging everything, Alec went to the town hall to get the certificate himself. He met Jenny there in his dreams.

Unlike how they didn’t see each other for the two years they were married, everything turned out

differently in his dreams after their marriage. However, Alec soon realized it was merely a dream when he woke up.

At the hospital, performing surgery in the morning, Jenny’s afternoon was relatively free, and she spent it organizing medical records in the office. In the middle of organizing, she received a phone call from Old Mr. Faust inviting her to the birthday banquet.

“Jenny, I only celebrate my birthday once every ten years. You wouldn’t miss it, right?” he asked.

“I’ll be there on time, Grandpa,” Jenny replied.

“That’s great,” the old man said, content with her answer. He looked forward to the moment his grandson. and Jenny met. He believed that Alec would surely take a liking to her once they met. However, unbeknownst to him, Alec had already met Jenny two days after their divorce and had taken a liking to her without realizing she was his ex-wife.

After ending the call, Jenny was about to return to work when there was a knock at the door. To her surprise, it was Max who was standing outside.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, looking puzzled.

Max smiled and replied, “I just wanted to ask if you liked the dress.”

Since Alec seemed rather unhappy the night before, Max decided he better act fast.

Jenny thought about the dress Max had selected-it looked nice, but it wasn’t her preferred style. Nevertheless, as it was a gift, she didn’t want to be too picky.

“It’s quite nice, how much is it? I’ll transfer the money to you,” she said.

“You always treat me like a stranger,” Max responded unhappily, feeling that no matter what he did, he couldn’t win over Jenny’s heart.

“No, I just ” Jenny began to explain, but Max cut her off.

“Just consider it as the wages for agreeing to be my date. You wouldn’t turn down your salary, right?” he asked, trying to make light of the situation.

Jenny didn’t have an answer to that, so she simply replied, “Okay, thank you.”


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