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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 25


Charlie thought it was just a simple handshake, but he didn't expect a huge force to come to him.

Charlie looked up slightly. He saw that there was a playful smile on the man’s face. This was obvious provocation!

immortals catastrophe lasted for ten years. Charlie also suffered for ten years.

Although he had gotten over immortals catastrophe, he looked still thin and weak. But Charles looked very lean due to long-term exercise.

Because of this, Charles felt that Charlie was just a push-over.

"Charlie, it's the first time we met. I’m so happy."

Charles said as he held Charlie's hands tighter and tighter.

However, Charlie's face was calm.

What happened?

Charles knew very well that the strength he used was absolutely unbearable to an ordinary person. But why the trash in front of him looked so calm?

Just when Charles was puzzled, the pain from his hand made his face tense. The force seemed to crush his bones.

Charles was shocked and quickly withdrew his hand.

"Nice to meet you."

Charlie nodded slightly, walked over to Katherine and sat down.

This was just an episode. No one noticed it. Charles was very upset. But when he thought of what to do next, he sneered.

He walked to the opposite of Charlie and sat down. Then he poured a cup of tea for Charlie very polite.

"Charlie, I heard that you have been in charge of housework for the past three years after you got married with Katherine. Men should go outside to work hard on his career. It just so happens that I have a company in J City. If Charlie doesn't mind, I can let you be a manager!"

Charlie drank the tea without looking up. He responded, "No need. I can't afford to sit in such a high position!"

"See what your attitude is! Charles kindly gives you job, but you are so arrogant. Who do you think you are?"

Charlie smiled bitterly. Why did his mother-in-law despise him so much?

"Mom, I’m not the leader material. If I cause some trouble to Mr. Charles’s company, it won’t be good, right?"

Spencer thought it made sense.

It was true that Charlie could make a lot of money if he as a manager. But if he screwed something up in the company, their family couldn't afford it.

Spencer became even more prejudiced against Charlie, and blamed him directly.

"You useless thing. Look at Charles, he has already opened several companies at such a young age. Even if he gives you a managerial position, you don’t know how to do. Why do I have such a useless son-in-low?"

"Mom, enough!"

Katherine stood up. Her face looked terrible.

Spencer rolled her eyes, and said coldly, "The vegetables have been bought. Charles will have lunch with us together. Go to cook."

"Okay, Mom."

Katherine said, "Charlie, I will help you."

"Katherine, come here. I have something to tell you."

Spencer dragged Katherine into the room. Axel and Isabella also followed. Charlie came to the kitchen, and Charles followed in.

After a glance, Charles said in distain, "It is really dirty. I don't think the dishes you cook are clean. I can’t stand it."

"What on earth do you want to say?" Charlie asked while picking vegetables.

"Do you know the real relationship between me and Katherine?"

Charlie paused, "The real relationship? Aren’t you college classmates? Is it possible that there are other relationships?"

Charles laughed and said, "You are too naive. When I was in college, Katherine had a crush on me. If it weren't for me to go abroad in a hurry, Katherine would have been mine."

Have a crush on him?

Charlie was not surprised. He had guessed that Charles's identity was not simple. He was definitely not from a second-class family like the Hunt Family.

He had such a good background. Besides, he looked not bad. The girls in college were so unexperienced. It was normal to be deceived.

"Then I really want to thank you for leaving the country in time, Katherine successfully avoided a scumbag."

Charles's face sank, and then he said with a weird smile, "You don't know me. I have to get what I want to get. Even after many years, it will still not change."

"Just say that you want to get Katherine. Beat around the bush. So sissy."


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