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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 26

Ten minutes ago.

Spencer dragged Katherine into the room. Axel and Isabella also followed.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

"Girl, why are you so stupid? Do you know the purpose of Charles coming this time? He is so rich. The sum of money for the luxury car under his name is more than the total assets of the Hunt Family. He likes you. You don’t respond him but you actually help that wimp!"

Katherine looked irritable and angry, "Mom, what are you talking about? His name is Charlie. Why do you help outsiders humiliate your son-in-law? How sad Charlie will be!"

"I never treat him as my son-in-law." Spencer sneered.

Axel pushed the black-framed glasses and persuaded, "Girl, we are doing for you own good. Are you really going to live with Charlie for the rest of your life? If so, you will never be respected by others!"

"I have Chengyu Group's project in my hand now. My days will get better and better. Besides, Charlie... Charlie is not as bad as you think."

Katherine almost blurted out the matter of Zhizun Villa, but fortunately she stopped in time.

Since she agreed to Charlie, she would be tight-lipped and would never disappoint Charlie.

"What can he do? He is a little clever. He won’t have any achievement."

Spencer shook her head disdainfully, and said, "Didn't you have a crush on Charles in college? Now he comes back to you. What are you waiting for? As long as you take the initiative, ask him out, he will come back to your side. "

"That's all in the past. Charlie and I have been married for three years. I’m married. How can I cheat on Charlie? Mom, you are ruining my reputation. The rumors outside have not stopped. You want me to divorce Charlie now? Are you crazy? How could I stay in J City in the future?"

Katherine blushed with anger, and her breathing became rapid.

"Sister, don’t be angry. We are family. Calm down." Isabella hugged her quickly and comforted her.

Axelfelt speechless, turned his head and said, "Honey, Katherine also makes sense. This is a sensitive period. Katherine is being watched by all big families. If she divorces Charlie right now, it will surely prove that Katherine and Manager Watson have an affair. If so, she can't stay in J City anymore."

"It’s so easy!"

"Oh? Honey, do you have any good ideas."

Spencer thought for a few seconds, and said, "If she marries Charles, her life will be so good. Just let those family gossip. At that time, Katherine is no need to hide in the small place. There are many big cities outside. You and Charles settle in another city. Don’t care about those rumors!"


Katherine broke free from Isabella's embrace, stood up angrily, and stared at Spencer.

"Mom, I won't divorce Charlie. Also, Charles is a playboy. Do you want to push me into the fire pit for money? Are you my mother?"

"Asshole girl, what’s your attitude?"

Spencer was also angry. Pointing to Katherine's nose, she cursed with red eyes, "Why am I so worried about you? I just want you to live a good life! You damn girl, just like your Dad. Useless!"

"Mom, I..." Katherine gritted her teeth, not knowing what to say.

Then she helplessly rushed out of the room.


When she came to the living room, she just heard strange words coming from the kitchen.

"...It's more exciting to play!"

"What are you talking about? What excitement?"

Katherine was puzzled, tilted her head and looked at the kitchen.

Charles changed his attitude rapidly. When he turned around, there was a smile on his face, which was gentle and polite.

"Katherine, we're talking about roller coasters. It’s fun and exciting. I remember you like playing this very much. Let's go to the amusement park together when you’re available."

There was no flaw. He was just like a perfect gentleman.

Such a good acting!

Charlie admired this guy's acting skill.

"No, I’m busy recently. I have no time."

Katherine was indifferent.

When she was in college, she was so simple. Charles was so shinning, and had a good family background. She did have a secret crush on him for a while.

Later, Katherine heard that he was a playboy and liked playing with emotions. He was just a scumbag. Katherine didn't like him anymore.

Now, she was married. Besides, her husband, Charlie, was not useless, but very mysterious. It was even more impossible for Katherine to betray.

At noon, the lunch was ready.

"Charles, come and eat more. Be my guest. Enjoy yourself." Spencer picked up food for Charles personally.

For three years, Charlie, her son-in-law, did not receive this treatment.

"Thank you, Spencer."

"Charles, you said you can let Charlie be a manager in your company. He can't do it. What do you think about Axel?" Spencer was still thinking about this.

Katherine felt too embarrassed. Her mother was begging others.

Charles was taken aback, and then smiled, "Of course there is no problem. When I arrange the company's affairs, I will invite Uncle Axel to go over and have a look."

"Axel, how nice Charles is!"

"Come on, drink."


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