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Touching the Heart of Ace novel Chapter 56

I knocked on the door like a lunatic, and stormed past the person who opened it, not caring if it was Robbie, Jason or that fucking bitch Janice herself. All of them could burn in hell including myself but my sweet baby...

She fell and...

I was shedding my jacket, shoes and belt waywardly all over the living room, storming to her room.

??She is in my bedroom, Angel.?? I felt a soft tug on my hand and it guided me to a dark and gloomy room.

The light I kept in this house was flickering with fever and it was not surprising to see everything dimmed.

Even the crashing waves sounded so worried.

My baby, where was she???

I choked back a sob looking at her.

Her tiny sweet body was looking so fragile and non-existent on Robbie??s California King bed.

??Oh.?? I small whimper of despair left my throat and I was shaking so bad. I swallowed my sobs and I gently brushed her tiny forehead and hissed, when I got burned.

She was burning up so bad.

??Daddy...?? I called for Robbie because I was so scared and I did not know what to do. She was shivering under the blanket but was sweating too.

I heard her tiny whimpers, and I felt I was dying.

??Daddy... Prin... cess...?? I sniffled and I truly was dying.

??She needs a cold bath.?? That was all he could say and I noticed how tired and lonely he looked.

I stretched out my arm and he cuddled closer to my body; he was also shaking. ??She is fine Angel. She is fine.??

I heard my baby whimpering again. ??I am gonna... I am gonna...?? I could not finish my sentence as I stripped myself to the underwear and removed Lia??s sweater and onesie.

I picked her up and I bit my sob again when I got burned by her fever again. She was shaking to her core. Robbie put his hand behind my back and I was doing everything to stop from screaming.

Robbie took my baby out of my hands as I lowered myself to the Jacuzzi filled with cold water. I looked around and noticed how cluttered everything was. How long had he been doing this?

Another whimper broke me off unnecessary irrelevant things. This time, I could not stop from crying when my baby sighed in relief, when lowered to the cold water.

It was not how it should be. She did not like cold baths. Her fevered body did not even wake up in water. She lied on my chest like a broken doll.

No, not broken.

I would not let her to break... I would kill anyone who dares to touch her again.

I cradled her close, slowly washing her body and the water was warming up fast because of her temperature.

??Stream, daddy.??

??Will it be too cold for you???

I did not reply and Robbie changed the settings and the water started flowing around us and soon steady stream of cold water flowed through my shoulder and gently caressed Lia??s back before flowing away.

She sighed again and her whimpers lowered and she fell asleep, again.

I sniffled at how much she had lost weight, toddlers like her should not lose weight. Her chubby arms were now thin as twigs, her stomach had crawled inwards, and her ribs were poking through.

??My baby.?? I sobbed harder and my chest shook with emotion but my sweet baby did not wake up.

I felt Robbie slowly rubbing my back. ??Nothing is wrong.??

I nodded.

Soon Lia??s teeth started chattering and I washed her before handing her back to Robbie before quickly washing myself.

I climbed back to her bed and pulled her to my chest, my hiccups not worrying her one bit.

??I will bring some soup Angel.??

I slowly dozed off, her tiny body warm and secure in my hands and she was going to stay that way as long as she needed it.

??Angel... Angel...??


??She has meds.?? I yawned tiredly and looked at my baby who was still sleeping. ??I brought some soup.??

Her hair was all over face, I had not wet them, afraid if the fever hiked. I asked Robbie to bring me a hairband and I stretched it on her head, not bothering about the knots.

??Doctor recommended cutting it off. It will help her to regulate the temperature.?? Robbie mumbled and I started crying again. ??Angel...??

Her beautiful curls. It was okay, it would grow back, like how my baby would laugh and giggle and run around after this stupid fever went down.

??She cried and fought me when I took her to the barber??s. Then I tried to use my trimmer at home, but she screamed for you and I could not...??

??I will sit with her, if she starts fussing shave mine first.?? I looked away from his troubled eyes.

Robbie handed me the soup, and I took a sip. It was bland, she would not eat it.

??That bad???

??You don??t know how to cook, daddy.??

??Brat.?? He affectionately called me and I smiled before crying again.

??I... I will make her some.??

I kissed her burning forehead. She took a cold bath, less than half an hour ago and she was burning up again. I sniffled and wet a cotton cloth and placed it on her forehead, before going down to the kitchen.

Everything was a mess and I could not care less.

I added some salt and pepper to the soup Robbie made before storing it away. I would have it later. I started dicing the veggies and put the chicken in the sink to defrost.

I knew I was trying very hard to stay strong but when I felt his touch on my shoulder I broke down completely. Thick noisy sobs left my throat as I leaned on his sleep deprived tired body.

??Shhh... just a fever, baby. Just a fever.??

It was not just a fever. We both knew it. My baby got scared, we failed to protect her. It was not the first time she got a fever but this is the first time... and the last time; I would die before it happens again.

??Accidently, pushed.??

I knew nobody would believe me, not even Robbie with his love-hate relationship with Janice, that she would purposely push her down but... I was feeling queasy... Was it because she never truly showed any affection to her daughter? Or, was it because she called my baby horrible names that day at the hospital?

I could not put my finger on it but...

My baby was too precious for me to play with what if??s. She was the wonder of my life, the light of my day, the dream of my being and everything in between. From the moment, I held her in my lap and felt her touch in my heart, to this moment clutching on Robbie??s shoulders and sobbing, I could tell anyone without a doubt that Lia owned my very soul.

??I need to make the soup, Robbie.??

I washed my face and got back to the cooking, adding all her favourite spices and ingredients being mindful that her tummy could not handle a lot.

I simmered the stove and waited for it to thicken, before sitting down to have the soup Robbie made.

??You don??t have to, Angel.??

I shrugged. ??I like your soup.??

??No, you don??t. You eat stuff I make, just not to hurt my feelings. Don??t worry, Angel, our kid has stomped on my ego real hard, you can??t do much damage.??

I chuckled before having another spoonful.

God, he looked so tired and stressed out. He looked very old, like he aged a decade. He looked famished too.

I frequently checked my soup so it would not thicken too much.

??It is done, Robbie, do you want a bowl now???

??Yes, please.??

I was about to pour him a big bowl when I heard a scream from my child??s room and my heart dropped along with the bowl. I ran to her, in panic... ??BABY...??

Never in my life had I heard her so afraid, not even nightmares made her cry like this.

She was kicking on the bed, her body taut and stretched and I tried to pick her up but she was not having it...


??Baby... Princess... I am here... Davey is here... Open your eyes... sweet heart... It is me, Davey...??

She fought me while screaming for me and I was panicking really bad.

??Daddy...?? She sobbed... ??Daddy... Davey... DAVEYYY?? She was not awake, she was still dreaming, her eyes rolling behind her eyelids and I was crying and begging her to open her eyes.

Robbie picked her up, not a bit bothered about her kicks on his stomach. He gently wrapped her tiny legs around his stomach and started patting her back; pacing.

??Oooohhh... ohhh... Baby Angel... oooh... Daddy got you, baby... daddy is here... and guess who came home, your Davey.?? He was so calm and collected and strong, and I could almost see it seeping to his daughter as her screams, slowly dwindling down. He peppered her head with strong and deep kisses.

She was still dreaming, not even properly hearing what Robbie was saying but his voice was giving her the rope to climb off the nightmare.

And I fell in love with him even more.

I noticed I was also pacing with them, as I hung to Robbie??s elbow, waiting for my baby to open her eyes and look at me and see me and love me and call me ??Davey??.

??Remember daddy telling you, if you be a good girl and have your soup, our Angel will come home???

He waited but she was breathing hard on his shoulders. ??Angel is home.??


??Yeah, baby, Davey is home.??

Then her crusted eyes slowly opened and I waited for her to jump to my hands but she did not.

She popped her thumb in her mouth and kept on staring at me; breaking my heart, mind and soul. I felt like an eternity had passed before she stretched her too skinny arms to me, and I plucked her from her daddy.

Her stares were similar to her daddy??s. So unnerving and challenging, it was like both of them could look into your soul and judge you. And I let her, to go through my whole existence, she had the right, she had my permission.

She started sniffling and chewing on her thumb.

??Little Baby, my sweetheart.?? Whatever dam she had in her mind, broken down and she started crying, calling me ??Davey?? and it was raining in my desert of a mind. I could feel her healing, her light slowly flickering back to brightness and the pain of love piercing my heart again. I cried with her, rocking her to calm myself down as much as to calm her.

??Davey...?? She hiccupped... ??Lilil Baby sickee...??

??Aww... is my Little baby sick???

??Uhh huhh...?? She pouted and I kissed her dry lips, then her cheeks.

I adjusted her to my hip and she wiped her runny nose on my shoulder. Robbie handed me a wet tissue. ??Blow, sweetie.?? And she did and I wiped her clean.

??Go with daddy and...??

??NOOOOO!!! DAVEY... No go!!! No gooo baby...?? She wailed throwing her head back and screaming.

??I am not going anywhere.?? I panicked and pulled her head back to my body. ??Sweet Baby I am not going anywhere.?? I just wanted to change my soiled shirt.

She was not calming down and Robbie made me sit on the bed. It took her sometime to calm down and she was hiccupping so bad and I got worried if she was breathing.

She was clutching on me like a monkey and slowly lied down on my side, patting her back. She was still sniffling though and my heart was breaking, but I stayed strong.

??Did my Little baby sleep well???

??Naw... hic... nawww...?? She nodded her for effect and I chuckled.

??Aww... why not, sweetheart???

She mumbled something to my chest and cried again and I hugged her tighter.

??Ah, look at that, sweetie, daddy is bringing us something... what is it? Daddy, what is it???

??Davey made this just for you, Baby Angel.?? Robbie told her and handed me the soup bowl when I sat up. I faked a surprised gasp.

??Ah! Daddy found our soup, it smells so good.?? Lia peeked at the bowl and blinked up to me. ??Daddy, it is just for Little Baby... you can??t have it. It is for my sweet little baby... I give my baby soup-soup.??

??For baby??? She pointed to herself and I blinked back my tears.

??Yes, for baby.?? She sniffled and leaned back to my chest. I adjusted her on my lap, and took a spoonful before taking a small sip. ??It tastes yummy... I give my baby yummy soup.?? She was not hungry clearly but she had to eat. She was mostly pushing her tongue and lapping at it, like a kitten. But I was persistent, I waited until half of the small bowl was inside her tummy.

Robbie looked at me and I knew what it meant. She needed medicines and she was going to fight him. He came back with an array of bottles and spoons; too many.

We nodded, before I tipped her head back to my chest, with a firm hand under her chin and Robbie pushed the nasty syrups one by one inside her mouth. She was kicking but we had done this several times to know how to manoeuver her and the spoon filled with medicine.

I had to cover her mouth after each spoon because my little daredevil would spit right out if I did not.

??We had to go for injections for a few times, because I can??t do this without you.??

I could do this without Robbie, but I preferred not to, because she would glare at me and would stop talking to me for at least fifteen minutes, before she could start loving me again. This way she would only stop loving Robbie.


I never claimed to be a good person.


One time she turned around, and stuck her bum up when I tried to kiss her after giving her a yucky medicine.

??Oh, stop it daddy, we no need yucky yucky stuffs anymore.?? I gently pushed Robbie ??away?? after the last medicine for the time was done and turned her around, ??hiding?? her mouth in my chest.

??But, my Baby Angel is sick, she needs this.??

??Huh! Did you hear that baby? Daddy is sad too... Let us make him drink that, right baby? If it is good, daddy drink it.??

She peeked to see if Robbie was really doing it and we chuckled. Robbie tipped the bottle of to his mouth without taking off the cap and showed how strong he was feeling by flexing his biceps and the baby frowned for two seconds before turning back around to my chest with a huff.

??She is too smart for our own good.??

We waited for a few minutes for her to stop being angry at her daddy. ??Daddy looks so hungry; will you share your soup with him???


??Aww... why not???

??Daddy... yucky yucky baby.??

??Daddy gave my baby yucky yucky???

??Uh huh huh.??

??Then let us make him drink yucky soup...??

She waited and I thought she would ignore me. ??Nooo...??

??No? You don??t want daddy to drink yucky soup???

She nodded.

??Why not??? I pecked her forehead.

??Me daddy...?? She hugged herself looking up shyly at me.

Awww!!! She was truly an angel; she did not want Robbie to drink anything yucky because daddy was hers; she could not make him drink anything yucky though she was angry at him for making her drink some.

Robbie plucked her off my lap and peppered her whole face with millions of kisses making her squeal and scream ??Daddy??.

??That yucky medicine will help you to stop being sick, Baby Angel. Daddy has to give it to you.??

I did not think she still understood why daddy was making her drink yucky but she loved him enough to let her silly daddy be.

She jumped back to me, cuddling close, when Robbie stopped kissing her.

Still mad at silly daddy though.

??Come on my precious baby, let us feed our daddy.?? Robbie helped me climb down the stairs with Princess on my hip. She felt so weightless in my arms.

Not the time, Ace. She is fine and she is going to spring back up in no time at all.

I poured Robbie a big bowl of soup. ??Where is the one I dropped???

??There. It has cracked.??


??Yes, sweetheart.?? I looked down to her but she just kept on blinking at me. She leaned closer when I kissed her forehead. ??Awww... did my baby fall sick? It is okay sweetheart. Davey is here... Baby and Davey is going to play together, dance together... read stories together and... we are going to make daddy sing us songs. Now, let us watch him eat, yeah???

I slid Robbie a piece of garlic bread and some butter too. He had not been eating properly and my heart ached.

??Need some more???

He nodded a ??no?? before tipping the bowl on his mouth and drank the rest. ??It was delicious, Angel.??

I looked down and saw my baby sleeping clutching to me for dear life. ??How did she fall, Robbie???

He shrugged. ??It was an accident; Janice was asking her to move away but Lia slipped.??

??Where were you???

??Was on the way to home from office. Came just in time to see her crying on the floor. I rushed her to the hospital; had a bit of a shock but nothing really wrong.??

??Was it just Janice and Lia???

??Baby, it is fine, everything is fine. She needed you, now you are here, she is going to be alright.?? He stood up and I collected the bowl and plates.

??I am not going back to college, Robbie.?? I said without leaving room for discussion. He smiled and hugged me with our baby sandwiched between us.

??You only got here, take some rest. She has trouble sleeping at night.?? Robbie picked up his baby from my hands and lowered her to the sofa.

??You rest for some time, I will clean.??


??I am okay, daddy, you look like you will faint.??

Robbie yanked me to his chest and I gasped at his strength. ??I fucking missed you like crazy.??

His kiss was brutal and I swooned at the emotions behind it. ??Robbie...??

??You are my undoing, love. Do you have any idea how hopelessly addicted I am to you???

I felt the wall behind my back and he was searching my whole body for comfort. ??I am here, now.??

??Thank God for that.??

He put his head on my shoulder and took deep calming breaths.

??Go to sleep.?? I missed him so so much.

He nodded and kissed me once more before staggering to his bedroom. I was never leaving them, ever again. I was preparing myself to fight whatever the life was going to throw at me, but I was never leaving them.

I took a deep breath and started cleaning the kitchen. I had taken the trash out, when I heard my baby scream again.

??Sweetheart, sweetheart... what is wrong? Baby...??

She was wailing and I pulled her to my lap. ??Davey...??

??Aw... it is okay baby... you know what Davey was doing? I scrubbed the sink clean... ahh... ah... ah... okay okay, we will talk about pretty flowers. Remember our baby pink rose? She has a new flower now... She is so happy... I told her that you were sleeping and will come to see her when you are awake. Wanna go now???

Lia was still crying but we went to the greenhouse anyways. I tried to show her the plants and flowers but she was not having it. ??I love you so much, Lia. You know how much I missed you? I love you a lot.??

??Davey lub baby???

??Of course, Davey loves baby.?? I frowned at her doubt. How could she ask me that! I kissed her wet cheeks. I carried to the wash basin, and gently washed her face and neck. ??Everyone loves you so much.??


??Yes, Lia.?? I was surprised at her question. ??Daddy loves you the most.??

??Weally??? She popped her thumb in her mouth and her expression broke my heart.

??Really really. Daddy and Davey love you. We love you like sun and moon love their star baby.?? It was her favourite bed time story ever.

??No.?? She started to cry again and hid her face in my chest.

??Baby Lia, Daddy loves you. I promise. Daddy cannot stop loving you.??


??Baby Angel daddy started loving you before you came down from heaven.?? She frowned, I did not think she would understand what I was saying but she could not have any doubt on Robbie??s love for her.

??Daddy calls us Angels.?? She nodded still confused and adorable. I pecked her nose. ??Why???


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