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True Fated Marriage (Grace and Heinz) novel Chapter 2190

Sylvia's eyes sparkled and balled her hands into fists as she made up her mind. Her palms grew sweaty, feeling somewhat nervous and embarrassed.

Thinking of the kiss from that night already got her knees weak; she'd only probably be even more embarrassed if she were to make a bigger move.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Kendrix noticed the flickering lights in her eyes. She seemed to be shy but at the same time had made up her mind about something, sheepish yet brave, looking all contradictory, but it was these divided expressions that made her look even more lovely.

"Nothing." Sylvia felt even more embarrassed being caught distracted, somewhat ashamed of herself.

She was just a young girl; how could she have such thoughts?

She felt so ashamed that she couldn't face anyone right now.

"Are you blushing because you're thinking of that night?" Kendrix asked faintly, yet his words were so soul-stirring.

Stumped, Sylvia looked at Kendrix annoyingly. The man in front of her was so well dressed, all gentlemanly, yet his words could be so unabashed.

Sylvia gawked at him, silent.

"Apart from that night, I can't think of any other reason for you to blush like this," Kendrix said seriously, his tone filled with a firm suspicion.

His handsome face was filled with unparalleled charm because of his seriousness, yet that seriousness gave her a false sense that those words didn't come from this outstanding man.

Feeling utterly embarrassed because of his words, Sylvia cried, "Stop it."

If the topic went on, she would feel even more humiliated.

"Looks like I'm right." Convinced he was right, looking all serious, Kendrix smirked as though he was ridiculing her for being easily shy.

"Alright, so what if you did?" Sylvia looked away, not meeting his gaze anymore, for the more he saw, the more she would expose.

Coincidentally, their server brought over their tea.

Kendrix first gave her a cup, placing it before her, saying, "Have some tea." "Thank you." Sylvia accepted it and took a sip.

Unaware of the scalding water, she burnt her tongue, leading her to stick it out, crying as she gasped, "Ah, it's hot."

Kendrix immediately said, "Slow down."

"Well, I didn't expect it to be scalding." Sylvia was still gasping.

"Let me see; did you burn your tongue?" Kendrix muttered.

Sylvia stuck out her scalded tongue, letting Kendrix check, "Is it blistering?"

Her tongue was so painful that she thought it was no longer hers. It hurt so much.

Kendrix's eyes narrowed, gulped a couple of times as he checked her tongue. With a husky voice, he said, "Luckily, it's not blistered, just a little red."

"Thank goodness," Sylvia mumbled, "It was so hot I thought I had blisters."

Kendrix heaved a sigh of relief too. No blisters meant it wasn't severe, or it'd take a long time for her tongue to heal.

"You sure are a child for scalding your tongue just drinking tea." Kendrix sighed helplessly.

It also reminded him she was still a young one even though this girl had become his girlfriend.

He mustn't let his carnal instinct take over but be patient and wait until she was older.

Feeling a little sad being called a child, Sylvia couldn't help retorting, "I am younger than you, but that doesn't mean I'm a child."

Musing, Kendrix asked, "So are you saying you think I'm getting on in years?"

Stumped, she shook her head. "Not at all. You are just a little older than me, but you are not old, old."

Kendrix fell silent.

She may not have minded their age gap now, but what about when he got much older?

When he was so old that he had difficulty moving around, their age gap would be evident.

"Though I can't change the fact that I am a few years older than you, you're the one who started all this. You must be answerable to me." Kendrix's tone was all indifferent, but his words were shocking.

Sylvia was still flushing; the blush on her face never subsided.

"Of course I will. I'm serious and committed to our relationship."

"You are saying it as if I'm not," Kendrix said again.

Speechless, Sylvia naturally did not mean that. She was just not confident.

"I'm the one with the insecurity here, okay? You're making it as though you're the one without." Sylvia



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