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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 10

After the phone call, Caspar was about to go out with his briefcase. Dressed in a straight suit and an expensive tie, he looked quite different from the days before.

Stellar had put on a decent dress as if she was going to attend a party of some socialite divas. She always took great care of her delicate make-up and expensive jewelry. After dressing up, she looked as young as twenty years old.

"Dad, I have something to tell you." Sophia pressed her lips and said in a very serious tone.

Caspar looked back to the hall. Sophia was different, but he couldn't tell the reason.

"What's up?" After all, Sophia just helped the JH Group get through the difficulties. And from this thing, it could be seen that Victor must have something to do with his daughter.

"I will go to work with you tomorrow!" Sophia said in a simple but firm tone, and there was an expression on her face that she didn't seem to be joking with him.

She was stating a fact, not asking for Caspar's consent.

Caspar was shocked by this Sophia. He had never seen such a dominating atmosphere before.

Besides, he had an agreement with Sophia before. It wasn't too much to ask for.

Standing next to them, Stellar also heard what Sophia said. She was very worried about them. If Caspar really agreed with Sophia, then Jenny's status might be threatened.

'No, absolutely not. The JH Group was built by me and Caspar together. I can't allow others to have a finger in our pie. Especially... Especially that woman's daughter.'

"Caspar, the party is about to start. I'm going to be late!" Stellar interrupted when Caspar was about to say something.

"Sophia. I should hold a board meeting and discuss it. Although this company is under your father's name, it still needs to be discussed with others. You don't want your father to be in a dilemma, do you?" Before there was any chance for Caspar to say anything, Stellar had poured out a lot of words, standing on the side of consideration for Caspar.

It was obvious that Caspar got what Stellar meant. He felt lucky that he didn't respond so quickly.

"Sophia. We can talk about it when we come back." Stellar had been urging him all the time. At that moment, Caspar was just coming down the stairs.

Sophia's feelings surged in her heart when she looked at their smiling faces, and she couldn't help but sneer. It seemed to her that her father still didn't trust her.

"Dad, how could you not take Jenny along with you for the dinner party held by the director's wife?" Generally speaking, Jenny was very willing to attend such kind of events, having the chance to contact some celebrities.

However, Sophia hadn't seen Jenny by now. It could be said that there was only one reason...

Thinking of this, Sophia's lips rose slightly. Humph! Unfortunately, the daughter of the shrewd mother of Stellar was a disappointing woman.

When Stellar heard this, her face changed. After being locked up at home for several days in the morning, Jenny finally couldn't help going out to breathe some fresh air. Since Stellar loved her daughter, Jenny sneaked out of the home when Caspar was not noticing.

Stellar couldn't let Caspar know her intention and Caspar's bottom line was that she could not be provoked.

"Ah! Jenny had been reading in her room these days since she admitted her mistake! What a naughty girl! She always likes reading. I won't take her with me this time!'! Let's hurry up. You have to go to the company for a meeting after sending me off! " Stellar raised her wrist's famous watch again and continued.

But Caspar seemed to believe for that. He seemed to believe what Stellar said. Then he left with his wife.

Sophia saw that they slowly disappeared from her sight. She clenched her fists.

…… The YS Group building.

Victor was sitting leisurely on his boss chair, as if he was thinking about something with a smile at the corners of his mouth from time to time.

"Clang! Clang..." At this time, the people in the CEO Office rang.

It was only John who knocked at the door instead of an internal call. Victor didn't know what was going on. Although John was just an assistant, the special treatment that Victor gave him was not trivial.

"Come in!" After saying that, Victor straightened his body and regained his usual cold face. His eyes were sharp, and the air around his lips was full of coldness, which prevented others from entering.

"About the JH Group?" John asked directly.

Just now John saw Sophia leave in a hurry, so he couldn't see her expression clearly. He was afraid that things would change, so he'd better come and ask Victor in person.

"Just do it as before. But I'll go to the JH Group with you tomorrow. " Victor asked flatly.

If Sophia heard this, she might get mad at the moment. She had devoted so much time and energy to make it worthy. The thought of Sophia's angry look softened Victor's cold face.

"Yes! Okay, do I need to inform Miss Sophia? " John saw Victor's look, John couldn't help but thought of Sophia, and asked causally.

"No need! Go back! " If that woman knew about it, things would not funny.

When John looked at Victor, Victor was wearing a serious expression.


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