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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 11

The expression on Sophia's face was exactly the same as she expected. How could it be so smooth? Sophia had already been prepared. She didn't believe that according to the hypocritical character of Stellar. How could she easily get the position!

"Education doesn't mean capability. If we don't give it a try, how can we know a person's strength! I don't think you all start with your work in hand from the very beginning! What's more, an enterprise like mine needs a new force like me. " Sophia solemn.

"You look so young! How can you be so shameless to brag!"

"You don't dare to tell about your education background. It seems that you don't have a good education! You are eloquent. "

"Yes! What a cute little mouth! "

All these harsh words came to Sophia's ears. Although she was well prepared, she was a little depressed when she heard these words. But she kept decent smiles on her face.

"Sophia. These are your seniors. You have to listen to them. You are young after all. Do you think it is so easy to manage a company? You have to learn from your father. You should always see the problem from the company's perspective. " At this time, Stellar stood up and said softly.

Although her voice was small, it carried a lot of weight. Some smart people began to follow her words.

"Right. The company cannot be easily handed over to a little girl. What a mess? Mr. Casper. I hope you can seriously consider it! "

"Yes! Mr. Casper, it's not easy for our company to get through this. How could we hand this matter over to such a young girl? "

Caspar was sitting in his seat in silence all the time. No one could figure out what he was thinking about.

But from beginning to end, he didn't say a word for Sophia. Not only that, he didn't even stop the senior executives from questioning Sophia.

Sitting there, Jenny played with the signature pen in her hand and looked ironically at the people who were talking about Sophia.

Sophia could feel the scornful look from Jenny. Sophia clenched her fists tightly. Although she had to sell her body and soul for the JH Group, Caspar would never put her in an important position in his heart.

"Okay!" Caspar finally broke the silence.

He raised his head to take a deep look at Sophia who was standing straight, and stood up to look at the people discussing just now.

Sophia looked into her father's eyes with stubborn look, and she clearly saw the impatience in Caspar's eyes. Sophia's heart skipped a beat.

The guests stopped talking at once and looked at Caspar with different expressions, trying to get some information from his expression.

Jenny pouted in discontent. It felt so good to witness Sophia being attacked by so many people. Jenny couldn't understand why her father had to stop!

"Sophia, sit down first!" Caspar said as he waved his hand.

"Sophia, you must be tired standing for such a long time!" Said Stellar No one would believe how evil she was to Sophia in her gentle tone and kind smile.

Sophia saw Stellar holding her hand made her feel more disgusting, but Sophia had a kind smile on her face, to avoid leaving the image of an elder disrespectful in the eyes of the crowd.

When everyone was quiet, Caspar cleared his throat and said to the wheat in front of him, "first of all, thank you for taking this place from the company's perspective. It's not because she is my daughter. Don't let her feel simple. I also consider your concerns just now. I also think that Sophia is not very mature, so... "

"Bang!" Just when Caspar was about to express his opinions, the door of the conference room was opened by force. The loud noise made by the door attracted the attention of everyone, who looked at the door.

Sophia had guessed the answer from the beginning of the speech. If the JH Group's senior leaders didn't get along well with her, perhaps this was a good thing for her not to work in the JH Group!

However, the loud noise attracted her attention.

Two rows of men in black suit walked in from the door, neatly arranged in two rows, with a passage in the middle. Once the group of men in black arrived, the entire office was filled with a depressing atmosphere, and even the breathing of everyone became cautious.

Standing in the middle of the meeting room, Caspar knitted his eyebrows. He thought, 'such a group of big companies don't even inform the company's leaders. What a bunch of craps?'.

"Who are you? What do you want? !" Caspar raised his voice deliberately to show how angry he was.

Stellar stood up and looked at them, confused.


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