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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 21

Victor strode out of the car. He didn't enter the building, but opened the door on the other side.

When the car door opened, a woman in black high-heeled shoes stuck out and drew everyone's attention.

Sophia was planned to get down by herself. But before she could open the door, Victor had already opened it.

There were only a few people standing at the entrance of the building, but Sophia could feel that several strong lights were staring at them. Sophia didn't know what Victor was doing, so she got out of the car.

Taking over Sophia, Victor put her hand in his arm and walked into the building.

"Why did you do that?" The moment they stepped into the special elevator for the CEO, Sophia pulled her hand out of Victor's arms with a cold face.

Sophia had kept smiling all the way. It was hard for her to refuse Victor in front of so many people. But when they were alone, she just wanted to get away from him.

"I like it." Victor answered with a thin smile.

Sophia was almost choked to death by Victor's words. This kind of person couldn't be communicated at all!

When the elevator arrived, they walked out of it in tandem.

Sophia caught everyone's attention. However, when she looked around, she found any employees working so hard.

When Sophia arrived at the door of the CEO's office, Sophia stood there, but she didn't go there.

"Should I report to the human resources department?" Sophia asked Victor who was pushing the office door.

"You don't have to report to anyone!" Victor said indifferently with a frown.

It seemed that Sophia wasn't his special assistant. She was his personal assistant! She was in charge of everything related to Victor.

"Your desk." Pointing at a corner of his big plate table, he said in a serious tone.

"No way!" Sophia replied in a loud voice.

Sophia had thought that she would have a separate office like John, and that would be why he called her if necessary. But now, it seemed that Victor did not plan to give her a single desk. What was this? It didn't look like she was working.

"Don't push me too far! I'm here for work. Shouldn't I have a desk? " Sophia frowned and said in a discontented voice.

"Well A desk? No problem! " It turned out that she only needed the desk, and it was no problem for the president of the YS Group.

Victor walked to the telephone, made an internal call, and Victor's voice passed through the phone, "get a set of office chairs and a desk for the president office."

"I'm going out to work!" Sophia was defeated by Victor's understanding. When did she say that she wanted to stay in the same room with him?

And this room, to the extreme, was disgusting and disgusting. If she stayed with the hooligan like Victor in this room, she couldn't escape when he became out of control.

"You are my special assistant. Of course you have to work with me!" Victor raised his eyebrows and ignored Sophia's request.

"You..." Sophia was so angry with his words that she could hardly speak. This man was so overbearing and self-righteous!

Soon, someone came in. They set the table and chairs in the office, put away the notebook and other necessities. After that, they left in respect. During the whole process, they didn't dare to see Victor and didn't say anything.

Was it because the personnel of the YS Group was well behaved or because Victor was too strict.

Sophia looked up. Although Victor was only wearing a dark colored tailored suit, the moment he stood there, he gave people a feeling of coldness, bringing people a feeling of king that they wanted to worship.

Sophia sat in front of her desk, but she did not know what she was busy with. She could only open the computer's screen to check the development history of the YS Group.

As time passed, Sophia had already been studied for two hours. The notebook slowly read down several pages, which were about the YS Group. From the development history to the present, from the scope of its operation, and from the management mode.

If it weren't for Victor, she would be very happy to work here. Sophia thought.

It seemed that Sophia hadn't got any thing done for a long time from Victor. This was beyond Sophia's expectation.

She stretched herself, rubbed her sore shoulders and then raised her head to look at Victor.

A beam of beam of light shone on the large square table while Victor stared at the screen without blinking. The sound of keyboard kept coming. A little sunlight sprinkled on his dark hair, glittering faintly. His perfect face sparkled in the sun. His smooth skin like a sculpture made people want to touch it, but... But the nature coldness between his eyebrows made people step away.


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