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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 22

"Rita?! Now that you are here, let's go to your office and talk about it! " Victor glanced at Rita and then looked away.

Rita couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Usually, men would be lecherous when they saw her, and she would be disgusted. But Victor turned a blind eye to her. His eyes didn't stop at her body for a second.

Rita took a step forward and said in a soft voice deliberately, "Okay, Mr. Victor!" Rita leered at Victor.

But Victor didn't respond. He just looked around and Rita also looked around that she found that the people around her were all strange, as if she had done something she shouldn't.

After searching for half a day, Victor finally saw Sophia hidden behind the pillars. He strode towards her.

"Miss Sophia, you're so inefficient with your work!" Sophia's shoulders shook when she saw him.

Sophia didn't expect that Victor would find her in front of so many people. She slowly turned around.

"Yes, everything is ready, Mr. Victor." Carrying the tray in her hands, Sophia whispered to Victor.

For the sake of so many people, she didn't dare to refuse Victor.

John calmly looked at the scene in front of him, and there was a rare gleam in his eyes when he looked at Sophia.

"Go back to the office!" Victor nodded, a slight and angry voice rising over Sophia's head.

Rita was shocked by the expression on Victor's face. It seemed that the president of the YS Group was indeed a powerful person. However, when his assistant served the coffee a little bit slower, she was scolded by Victor in front of everyone.

She took a look at Sophia who was walking towards them, and sympathized with Sophia. Waggling her slim waist, she followed Victor.

All the employees were amazed by this scene. They all looked so serious about their work

John had planned to leave the office, so he didn't have much to talk to Victor and walked towards his office quietly.

Sophia didn't know what to do, but stood there. And Victor's words made her feel ashamed of herself. But she couldn't contradict Victor.

Moreover, it was not appropriate for her to step in at this time. Everyone knew that Mr. Victor liked to do shameful things in his office, which she knew well.

So she had intended to sneak out of his way to avoid him, but he called her back to check on her. Alas! 'That guy is really stubborn.'

Sophia silently followed them. After entering the room, she walked to Victor, put the coffee on the table politely and sat back in front of her desk.

Rita looked at everything Sophia did, feeling that Sophia was just a small assistant, and was no different from the staff working in the YS Group.

However, what surprised Rita most was that she had never seen an assistant in the same office as the CEO?!

She stared suspiciously at Sophia's calm face, trying to find out anything, but Sophia's simple and calm face made her give up. She had to think that it was a management mode in the YS Group.

"Miss Rita, please have a seat." There was a slight smile on Victor's face.

Rita replied politely as she settled herself on the nearest sofa to Victor. With a courteous smile, Rita stared at Victor's face intently.

A strange smile tugged at the corner of Victor's mouth. Wisps of white smoke rose from his coffee mug.

He picked up the cup and tasted it. But when he just took the first sip, his expression became very strange. This cup of coffee... This cup of coffee was salty.

This woman... Restraining his anger, Victor regained his composure. Slowly, he put the coffee back on the table.

Rita noticed the sudden change of Victor's facial expression. Her eyes shifted from the cup of coffee to Sophia. Rita's expression became unpredictable.

Who was that woman? Why was she in the same office with the president of the YS Group?

"Miss Rita, have you read the cooperation plan? What do you think? " Looking at the plan given by the market department, Victor said indifferently.

"Yes, I did! I'm willing to cooperate with your company and be the spokesperson of your company's products. " Rita replied.

In fact, Rita had come up with a plan. She thought that if she took the invitation, she would have more chances to meet Victor, then...

However, there was one question that had been wandering in Rita's mind for a long time. She still couldn't figure out. That was why the staff of the YS Group had looked at her in that way just now.

"Okay. I look forward to working with you!" Victor stood up and stretched out his right hand.


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