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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 7

When Jenny stretched her head out to take a look at the luxurious and magnificent building of the YS Group, she got delighted at once. "Wait for me here, okay?"

After straightening her hair out one last time, Jenny got out of the car, slamming the door shut. With a deep breath in, she walked towards the building with her shoulders back and her head held high.

Sophia sneered at Jenny's back. She then stepped on the gas and left the building of the YS Group.

…… As soon as Jenny entered the building, a receptionist in uniform stopped her. "Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

Hearing that, Jenny straightened up and tried to look important. "I'm here to see John."

"May I know your name? Do you have an appointment?"

"Appointment? Why do I need an appointment when John was the one who asked me to come here in the first place? You take me to see him directly."

"I'm sorry, but... Without an appointment..."

"Look!" Jenny held up her phone in front of the receptionist, a hint of irritation in her voice. "I'm not lying. John called me to come here. How about I call him right now and let him pick me up in person? I can assure you that if you dare offend such a good friend of his, you'll be lucky if you still have your job tomorrow!"

"O..okay, Miss! I apologize for the misunderstanding. Please have a seat for a moment. I'll send someone to take you to Mr. John's office." With a low bow, the receptionist motioned for Jenny to have a seat on the sofa while she waited.


Victor was taking a nap in his office when John Cheng suddenly entered.

"Jenny is here," John Cheng announced.

Hearing this, Victor opened his eyes and slowly sat up. "Jenny as in the woman's sister?" he asked with a frown.

As far as John Cheng knew, the woman that Victor was talking about was Sophia.

"Yes. She is waiting in the hall, but she said she was looking for me," John Cheng replied. He walked up to Victor and showed him the screen on his iPad. On it displayed real-time surveillance video of the lobby.

"I have nothing else to do anyway. Why don't you go and see what game Caspar is trying to play," Victor said with a coy smile.

Downstairs, in the hall...

The receptionist walked to Jenny again and said apologetically, "Please follow me. I'll lead you to Mr. John's office."

Jenny nodded with satisfaction, a cocky smile playing on her lips.


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