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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 8

"I'm just following Mr. Victor's orders," John said with a meaningful smile. "About the intentions behind his actions, I do not know of."

…… In a cafe downtown...

Sophia sipped on her coffee as she looked solemnly at Emily Yu.

"Are you sure you want to go abroad?" Sophia asked indifferently, but there was a touch of sadness in her eyes.

Emily You was her best friend from college. She was the only one Sophia could openly talk to, and it seemed as if she, too, was going to leave her life. Just recently, Emily Yu had decided to go study abroad.

"Yup, that's the plan." Emily nodded. "My cousin is working in the YS Group. He has a job for me there but I don't quite fit the requirements just yet, which is why I want to study abroad for a while."

'The YS Group again?!' Every time Sophia heard this name, she felt her heart tightening in her chest. The coffee cup she was holding started to tremble in her hand.

"Why? What's wrong?" Emily Yu asked when she noticed that there was something wrong with Sophia.

"It's nothing," Sophia said with a forced smile. "Just go on right ahead. I'll just wait for you to come back."

"Is it because of Peter--"

"No, it's not. Don't mention him anymore." Sophia already knew what Emily Yu was going to say. Right now, she didn't want to hear his name anymore. What's more, it really had nothing to do with Peter.

Just at that moment, Sophia's phone rang. Upon looking as the screen, she saw that it was Jenny who was calling.

Rolling her eyes, Sophia muted the call and put her phone back in her bag. Just as soon as she did, it started ringing again. With a frown, she picked it up and muted it again, throwing it back into her bag.

"Are you sure you're not going to answer that?" Emily Yu asked, raising her eyebrows at Sophia.

"Of course I'm sure." Taking a sip of coffee, Sophia tried to calm herself down.

Jenny betrayed her and seduced her boyfriend. Sophia just refused to answer her phone call. Of course, Sophia knew that Jenny would get her into a lot of trouble once they got home.

Soon after, Sophia and Emily Yu parted way. As expected, the moment Sophia got home, she was greeted by Jenny's loud and obnoxious voice.

'Well, might as well get this over with, ' Sophia thought with a frown.

"You have the nerve to come back here! I've been trying to contact you for countless times! Why didn't you answer any of my calls! I asked you to wait for me. You weren't there anymore when I got out!!" Jenny was at hysterics. The makeup she was wearing was now smudged and runny, and her hair was a tangled mess. Without her princess facade, she looked nothing more than a whiny and annoying girl!

"I don't think I ever promised that I would wait for you," Sophia said matter-of-factly as she shrugged her shoulders.

Hearing this, Jenny's mouth fell slack in shock and indignation. 'Tch! This bitch has no right to tell me what to do!' Sophia sneered to herself.

At that moment, Caspar walked in. Sophia braced herself to get scolded at, but to her surprise, he pushed Jenny aside. Walking up to her, Caspar looked at Sophia wide-eyed. "How do you know Victor? When Jenny went to the YS Group to see John, he told her that Victor wanted to see you."

'My god! This is the third time this day I've heard about that bastard's company! When will he be out of my life!' Sophia thought as she gritted her teeth.

"I don't know him, nor will I go to see him," Sophia decisive refused.

"Huh..." Stellar snorted. With a hand on her hip, she walked over beside Caspar and narrowed her eyes at Sophia. "Sophia, you are a part of this family, aren't you? Your father has devoted his whole life to the JH Group. Can you really bear to see the JH Group fall into the hands of another and make your father sad? Do you know how much pressure your father has received from the YS Group? Pretty soon, there will be not enough time for help!"

"Mom's right. We've been a good family to you, haven't we? Do you think you can live a happy life without us? We have thought highly of you. I don't think we ever expected that you would turn out to be such a heartless and ungrateful person! It looks as if you're so ready to roll into a poor and sad place!" Jenny chimed in, as sharp-tongue as her mother.

"You were all so optimistic about using my body to get Wade to help. Did you all really think that was in my best interest?! Don't think for even a second that I give a damn about this place! !" Sophia retorted back, laughing coldly at the three.

If only Sophia wasn't related to Caspar, no matter how rich he might be, she would have left that place long ago!

"Sophia, you have it all wrong. Don't you know how worried your father was when you didn't come back that day?" Stellar said, acting all motherly all of a sudden.

Seeing and hearing Stellar like this made Sophia cringe in disgust.

"Stellar, take Jenny back to her room," said Caspar.

Without another word, Stellar reluctantly took Jenny back to her bedroom. Just before leaving, Jenny cast a bitter sidelong glance at Sophia.

With his hands in his pockets, Caspar walked over to the sofa. Looking up at Sophia, he patted the seat beside him. "Come here and tell me everything." It was rare for Caspar to be so kind to Sophia.

After all, Caspar was her biological father. Sophia couldn't be cold-blooded and ruthless. After hesitating for a while, she walked over and sat from across Caspar.

"I don't care if you know Victor or not. He knows you. I'm still holding onto the hope that we can get him to help the JH Group. You don't want to ruin Jian family's business, do you? You and your sister haven't gotten married yet. I'm planning to give you a grand wedding and that can't be done if our legacy gets run to the ground."

The sudden "warm father" approach made Sophia a little shocked. Although Sophia knew in her heart that Caspar was saying this for the JH Group's sake, she had to admit that he was pulling at all the right strings at that moment, and made her a bit empathetic towards him.

"I know what you are thinking. But really, I don't care about all the wealth. Besides, I don't know Victor and I don't want to have anything to do with him."


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