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Written In My Heart. novel Chapter 31

Ayaan was sitting on a chair with his head resting back on the wall.. His eyes feel on the door he’s been staring at for almost 2 hours now with no news of what is going on.. The last he heard was that they were looking for blood since she had a rare blood group but found it from another hospital near by.. And there’s been no news ever since.. He looked at his clothes which were covered in blood as well.. as his mind went back..

When he entered the bathroom he saw her lying in a pool of blood as he rushed to her.. His eyes then fell on the cut in her wrist as he looked at the other hand that held a blade.. He was shocked when he realized she had tried to commit suicide.. Coming out of his shock he quickly rushed out tearing a piece of cloth and tied it tightly around her wrist.. He quickly picked her up running to his car he rushed her to the hospital..

He covered his face with his hands feeling himself tremble from the inside.. He wiped the few tears that had flowed and again sat staring at the door.. After a while of waiting the doctor finally stepped out as he sprinted forward..

D: Don’t worry she is out of danger now.. She has lost too much blood and is very weak so it will take a while for her to regain her consciousness..

A: Will she be alright.?

D: Yes.. We’ll keep her under observation tonight and if she’s ok.. You can take her home tomorrow..

A: Thank you so much doctor.. Can I see her..?

D: Yes but try to keep it quite around her and too many people are not allowed either..

A: OK.. Thank you again..

D: it’s OK. It's my duty.

The doctor left as Ayaan exhaled feeling relieved.. He slowly opened the door and walked in as his eyes fell on her.. He walked closer sitting beside her as his eyes clouded with tears.. he took long breaths trying to calm himself. He held her hand in his while slowly stroking the bandage on her wrist.. He felt more tears rush down as the thought of losing her choked him from the inside and he felt even more breathless.. He rested his head on her hand sobbing slowly while holding tightly to her hand..

After a while he let go and moved away wiping off his tears and sat back starting at her.. Looking at her his mind went back a few months ago when he always wondered what he felt.. His thumbing heart and irregular breaths confused him every time she was near him.. But now as he stared at her face.. The answer was clear in his mind.. Every second after the moment he saw her in her bath room surrounded by blood made him realize how important she was to him.. And how he couldn’t afford to lose her.. He fell for her.. Truly and hard.. He finally realized it. He fell in love with her.. And even the thought of losing her made him choke.. He walked out of the room taking deep breaths calming himself when his phone rang.. He took it out of the pocket to see Nick’s name flashing on it which reminded him that he forgot to call him and inform about Sofia.. He picked it up..

A: Hello..

N: Ayaan.. Where are you..?? You didn’t come to the office today..?

A: no I couldn’t make it.

N: Why is everything OK.?? Where are you now.? Are you at home.??

A: No I’m actually at the hospital..

N: The hospital.?? Why???

A: Sofia…. She…

N: What happened to Sofia.?? Is she OK.???

A: She’s fine now.

N: Now.?? Why what happened.??

A: Today she.. She tried to.

N: She what. Tell me.??

A: She tried to.. Commit suicide..

After a brief moment of silence Nick spoke in a surprised tone.

N: Suicide.?? She really… but how could she.?? Where are you guys now.?? I’m coming..

A: we’re at The Guardians and it’s OK you don’t need to come.. She’s stable now even though she hasn’t gained consciousness yet.. But the doctor said she need to rest.. I’ll be staying here tonight you can come check on her in the morning..

N: Alright then.. See you tomorrow.

He says hanging up as Ayaan sighs keeping the phone back into his pocket.. He was about to walk into the room when he heard a voice calling for him.. Turning around he saw Sophia’s psychiatrist Dr. Daniel walking towards him.. He closed the door after giving a glance at Sofia and walked up to him.. Sofia was being treated by him since her mother had passed away and he was well aware of her condition then and now after her dad.. He asked Ayaan to accompany him to the office as he followed.. They both reached his cabin and sat down..

D:How’s she now.?

A: She’s… stable.

D: I spoke to her doctor about her conditions.. It’s was a suicide attempt…

A: Yeah..


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