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0 Celsius: To thaw a frozen heart novel Chapter 2

Next his heavy footsteps could be heard.

My heart missed a heartbeat.

Beads of sweat started forming on my forehead and my stomach churned from inside.

"Yes S...ir!! Coming Sir!!!"

Her voice held fear and it looked funny to see rude devil Maria stutter under his command.

"Where the hell is my black watch!!! How many times have I told you not to touch it!!!"

The black rolex watch with gold dial

How can I forget it

He loves it more than anything else as it was his grandfathers last gift to him.

I remember once he lost it at a community hall and we both stayed there whole night searching for it.

At last I found it at the men's washroom and he was so happy that he hugged and thanked me at least 10 times that day.

His footsteps stopped and I knew he was here.

I looked up to see him in black business trousers and sky blue shirt

His sleeved were folded up and the veins of his toned up arms were visible.

He searched around for Maria

He looked at the line of girls and didn't paid much attention.

He turned to look at the other side but then he stopped

He turned back around and his angry eyes directly met mine.

The anger in them got replaced by shock but he covered it up in a second.

He turned around and was met with worried looking Maria

"I....am...sorry Sir!! I 'll get it"

She literally ran at full speed to find the watch.

He turned around and went out not looking at me even once again.

I need to talk to him

I should follow him.

As Maria left no one was watching over us.

I slipped past the girls who were busy chatting.

His broad shoulders came in my view and I ran behind him screaming his name



He was ignoring him like he ignored me that day.

I ran past him and blocked his way

"Please Andro at least listen to me once!!! Please!!"

He looked into my pleading eyes

His stare was no longer comforting or loving like before instead it was the one which could make a child piss his pants.

Next I know he harshly grabbed my wrist and pushed me inside a room , closing the door behind with a thud.

I was pushed into the room and I would have landed straight on the ground if the sofa hadn't broken my fall.

My wrist felt like burning from his tight grip

I could see red handprint on my wrist

I held my right wrist with my left hand trying to soothe the burning pain.

His eyes held no remorse ,no guilt


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