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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 162

Sitting in the silence with a glass of whiskey in his hand, Mr. Ford frowned each time he wondered about what was happening in the conference room.

But then again, he knew he couldn't go there because he wanted to give Rome the chance to stand on his own two feet.

After taking the third sip of his drink, the office door suddenly flew open, and Chairman Herman walked in with twelve men behind him.

When his gaze rested on Mr. Ford, the anger in his eyes died down for a second and he stopped in his tracks.

"Herman, don't you think you should know better with your current age!" Mr. Ford calmly uttered, and yet, his expression was cold.

"I have no fuss with you, Ford. It's your son that I'm here to see!" Herman stated, feeling his anger awakening again.

"You have a fuss with my boy?"

"We both know the answer to that question, Ford. So let's not beat around the bush here!"

"You are the one waffling, Herman, because you should know that if you have an issue with my son, you have a problem with me. So why exclude me from the equation!"

Holding back his tongue, Herman's eyebrows scrunched together and his lips tightened as he glared at Mr. Ford.

Then he shoved his hands into his pocket and said, "You know what your son did to my boy, right?"

"Judging from what Earl have done to others children, I think a coma is a merciful punishment for him, don't you agree?" Mr. Ford casually said before taking a sip of his drink.

It got quiet as Chairman Herman gave him a hostile glare. Then he frowned and said, "What my son did or didn't do to others has nothing to do with your son, and even if Earl have hurt others, I'm damn sure that it's not your son's place to teach him a lesson!"

As Mr. Ford's face contorted with rage, he banged the bottom of his glass against the desk and stood to his feet, fixing his icy gaze on Chairman Herman.

"You have some nerve walking into my son's office with your cockroaches and arrogantly stand before me to spit out rubbish." Mr. Ford firmly uttered.

Then a bitter, faint laugh escape his lip as his anger spiked and his heartbeat increase, and he harshly said, "Your son laid a hand on my daughter-in-law! Something my son has never done to his wife, and you think Rome did not have the right to beat the crap out of him!"

When Chairman Herman didn't respond, Mr. Ford coldly smirked and uttered, "You know that Rome have shown your son way more mercy than I would have, right?"

With a touch of fear in his eyes, Herman nervously laughed and said, "Come on, Ford. We are old and shouldn't be meddling in children's play."

Frowning at the men standing behind Chairman Herman, Mr. Ford narrowed his eyes and said, "Judging from your cockroaches, I think those words are meant for you and not me."

Keeping his fists clenched by his sides, Chairman Herman rolled his shoulders back, glaring at Mr. Ford, and said, "Can you tell Rome to drop the charges against my son, so that I can get him better medical help?!"

"No! He did the crime, and now he has to stay and do the time. Mercy hospital is an incredible facility, and all the help Earl needs is there." Mr. Ford straightforwardly stated.

Then when Chairman Herman scowled at him, his eyes hardened as he said, "Rome has been way too generous with Earl, and I will advise you to keep it that way. As you said, we are old. Us meddling in children's play will make the matter way too serious."

Annoyed by those words, Herman scowled and said, "Ford, you need to understand that even a tortoise is willing to run a race with a hare if it gets humiliated! Your son put Earl in a coma an…"

"Point of correction, he beat up Earl. Your son going into a coma was someone else fault." Mr. Ford stated.


"Apparently, your son shook hands with the wrong person, and he got burned for it! I will advise you to focus on finding who that person is instead of trying to harass my son."

Watching the look of concern settled on Chairman Herman's face, Mr. Ford remained quiet as he thought, 'With you unintentionally helping us find out who this person is, we have a strong chance of succeeding at revealing their identity.'

Without uttering another word, Chairman Herman glared at Mr. Ford for a while. Then he turned to leave, and in that instant, Rome walked into the room.

Then he stopped when Chairman Herman glowered at him before leaving the office with his men.

"What did you say to him?" Rome asked, blankly staring at Mr. Ford as he picked up his glass of wine and took a sip of it.

"We simply had a chat." Mr. Ford slyly said.

Then he rested his glass on the desk and asked, "How was your meeting?"


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