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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 163

With a look of hesitation on Brook's face, he stood silently at the door for a couple of minutes, and then after waiting a few more seconds, he stared at the time on his watch and then knocked.

"It is open. Come in," Rome's said with his focus on his phone.

The door immediately opened, and Brook walked into the suite, shutting it gently behind him.

Then he approached Rome with a folder in his hand, and when he reached him, he rested the folder on the table.

After glancing at the folder for a moment, Rome stared back at his phone and mumbled, "What's in it?

"As you wanted, I investigated all the employees of 'Customers and Board Protection authorities of Archenland,' and there's one person who has connections with Earl," Brook said.

"What is their name?" Rome asked, still staring at his phone.

"Toby. Apparently, he and Earl's personal assistant had a brief meeting recently. These are photos from CCTV cameras showing them at a cafe."

"What was the agenda of the meeting?"

"That information, I don't know, boss."

"It's fine. Whatever it was, we will find out today. Hopefully, it won't lead to another mess."

Keeping silent, Brook stared at Rome for a brief while. Then unable to hold in his curiosity, he asked, "Are you waiting for an important call, boss?"

"No. I'm waiting to make a call, but Catherine is in a different time zone, so it's still early on her end. I will have to wait a little bit before calling her." Rome said, taking one last look at the time.

Then he dropped his phone on the blanket and mumbled, "I should hit the shower and get ready for us to leave for the port."

When the light of dawn hit Catherine's face, she refused to raise her lashes, knowing that Rome wouldn't be beside her like she wished.

But her alarm didn't care about her feelings, and it started buzzing until she got frustrated with the noise and opened her eyes, frowning deeply.

Then she shoved the bedsheets off her, got out of bed, and dragged her feet one after the other as she headed to the bathroom.

When Catherine was only a few feet away from the bathroom door, her ringtone got her attention, and immediately she stopped in her tracks.

Guessing who it was, Catherine hurriedly turned around, rushed for the nightstand, and picked up her phone.

Then she took a moment to calm her racing heartbeat and answered the call, smiling widely as Rome's face showed up on her phone.

"Morning, hon." Catherine cheerfully intoned, unable to hide her excitement.

"Someone looked very lively this morning," Rome said while staring at her passionately.

Lowering her gaze, Catherine hesitated for a second and then mumbled, "It's because I miss you like crazy that's why I'm this excited because you call."

"I miss you too. But the good news is, I'm on my way to the port. Once I'm done there, and things are settled, I will be on the next flight back to you." Rome said.

As Catherine was about to reply, an incoming call disrupted her and Rome's video chat.

Seeing that it was Dash calling, Catherine grew slightly annoyed as she watched his number blink on her screen.

Then without giving it a second thought, Catherine canceled his call, and then she focused back on Rome when he asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Dash was calling me." Catherine calmly uttered, unable to stop thinking about why he was calling her because he had never done that before.

For a moment, Rome said nothing since he too was baffled by the fact that Dash called her, but he brushed it off and said, "Okay, babe. I got a few calls to make, so let me call you back later."

"Alright, see you later," Catherine said with a coy smile on her lips.

After Rome ended the call, she gazed at the phone screen and realized Dash had sent her a text.

"Did Chloe sleepover at your place?" Catherine read out loud, glaring at her phone.

Then she mumbled as she typed in her inbox, "Why would your wife be at my place? We are not that close!"

"Because Chloe didn't return home last night after claiming that she was at your office."

"Well, she was. But we went our separate ways afterward."

"Okay. Do you have any idea of where your cousin might have gone to or something?"

"You asked the right question, but to the wrong person."


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