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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 195

The sound of the alarm clock forced Catherine to squeeze her eyelids before slowly raising her lashes.

For a moment, she silently watched Rome fix his tie with a gentle smile on her lips.

After he got done, he turned around to grab his coat off the couch, and then Rome stopped, gazing at Catherine for a couple of seconds before smiling as he mumbled, "You are awake."

"Yeah," Catherine whispered, drawing the blanket off her.

Then she walked toward Rome, grabbed his coat off the couch, and assisted him in wearing it.

Once Catherine got done, she stroked her palms against his chest, and as she was about to draw her hands back, Rome gently grabbed her waist, looking deep into her eyes.

"How about after Amara, and I get done with this Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, I pick you up from work, and we go on a date to any place of your choice?"

A board grin crept on Catherine's lip as her eyes lit up. Then she nodded and heartily said, "Yes!"

A sudden intrusive thought crossed her mind causing her expression to harden a bit, and when Rome noticed, he met her eyes and asked, "What is it?"

"Nothing. It's just that I can't believe it's been two months already." Catherine subconsciously mumbled. "A very silent eight weeks."

A frown crossed Rome's face when he thought about it and then said, "Me either. And it's like since we moved here, the puppets' master has made no move, and even Charles is acting accordingly at the company."

With a look of sadness clouding her eyes, Catherine hesitated for a moment and then whispered, "I want to feel glad that we have a break from all the mess. But the silence is so loud that I can't help feeling that a storm is building up beneath all the quietness."

Although Rome felt the same way, he didn't want to add to the fear she already had, so he softly smiled and said, "Everything is going to turn out fine, okay?"

"Hmm, I know it will," Catherine said as her eyes glowed with happiness.

The sound of a knock drew both of their attention toward the door, and then Maria's voice echoed in the room, "Sir, your father wants you to know that he's seated at the table awaiting you and ma'am."

Watching Mr. Miller set a bowl on the table, Mr. Ford frowned and shook his head in disbelief.

"What?" Mr. Miller asked as he fixed his gaze on him.

"You have all my chefs worry that I'm going to fire them because you have taken their job." Mr. Ford casually uttered.

"I can't help it. Every time Catherine or Rome compliment my food, all I want to do is cook more and feed them. And even though you keep telling me that it's not my job to cook, I see the way you clear your plate every day, so..."

"Well, you are good at what you do."

Smiling, Catherine stared at both of her fathers-in-law as she walked into the dining room and then said, "I agreed to that. Your food special, father."

A laugh escaped Mr. Miller's lips as he stared at Catherine with a look of pride in his eyes. Then he gazed at Mr. Ford and teasingly said, "You still want me to stop cooking?"

"Well," Mr. Ford mumbled, clearing his throat. "No. Our daughter-in-law's words are accurate. Everything you prepare is unique. They taste almost like..."

"Home," Rome mumbled, smiling at his fathers as he stopped beside Catherine.

"Well, that's because the secret ingredient is love." Mr. Miller said, looking at his son with adoration in his eyes.

Without uttering a word, Mr. Ford lowered his gaze and thought, 'If I knew I was going to have so much more to lose in the future after the death of my wife, I would have taken another path. If only the past can get altered.'

At nine o'clock, Catherine was seated behind her desk. Then a couple of seconds later, her office door suddenly opened, and Charles stormed into the room with a folder in his hand.

Raising her head, Catherine sighed as she glared at her cousin while he approached her.

When Charles got closer, he dropped a file on the desk and smirked at Catherine as she stared down at the folder before focusing on him.

"What does this mean?" Catherine asked, scowling at him.

Over the past month, as she and her attorney worked together to build a good case again Charles for entering the company without her consent, she felt glad that he was not all up in her face or causing problems at that time.

But now that he was in front of her, she felt annoyed and frustrated because she knew it might mean that he was up to no good again.

"Take a look, dear cousin," Charles said as he sat down.

Then he crossed his leg over the other, gave Catherine a half-smile, and casually uttered, "I'm going to warn you though, you are not going to like what is in there. But for me, I love every single detail on those papers."

Although Catherine kept a straight face, she felt hesitant to open the folder since she knew that if Charles loved what was in it, it meant trouble which she honestly didn't want.

"Charles, take your folder and get out of my office. I have too much to do to entertain such a useless conversation." Catherine said, frowning as she slightly pushed the folder towards him.

"Your office?" Charles slyly asked, staring down at the file.

"Yes, my office!"

"Well, according to the words on these papers, this office is not yours but mine. You should really take a look, cousin."


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