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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 196

When the door to Catherine’s office opened, and Rome walked in with lawyer Lincoln a few steps behind him, Charles sneered and narrowed his eyes.

Then he stood from his seat when Rome approached him and tapped Rome on the shoulder as he sarcastically said, "Aha, my dear cousin-in-law. I don't know why my cousin called you for whe..."

Suddenly a loud cry rushed from Charles's lips when Rome grabbed his wrist and viciously twisted it.

"Cather... Aughhh!” Charles screamed as he stared into Rome's cold gaze. “Yeow!”

Struggling against the anguish he felt, Charles stared at Catherine with wet eyes and yelled, “Owww!”

"Don't you dare put your filthy hands on me again!" Rome coldly uttered. "Do you understand?!"

Unable to speak because he was on the verge of crying out the pain, Charles aggressively nodded as Rome's grip on his hand grew tighter and firmer.

After Rome let go of Charles's hand, he scowled at Rome and then stared at the bruise on his skin.

Ignoring the look of anger on his face, Rome approached Catherine and then stopped a foot away from her.

With a hint of remorse in her eyes, Catherine hastily said, "I'm sorry for pulling you away from…"

"It's okay. You don't have to be sorry." Rome said, gazing into her eyes as he took her hands in his. "Lincoln is here. He's my father's lawyer. The best in the field, and he's going to help us figure this out."

With a mocking smile on his lips, Charles narrowed his eyes and said, "There's nothing that your so-called lawyer can d…"

When Rome threw him a hard look, he immediately sealed his bottom and top lip together, hastily staring away from Rome.

"Are these the documents?" Sam asked, picking the folder off the table before staring at Catherine.

Nodding slightly, she drew a breath and mumbled, "Yes."

Not saying another word, Sam went through the file, and the entire time Rome studied his face, judging from his expression that things weren't going to be simple.

A couple of minutes later, Sam shut the folder, scowled at Charles before staring at Rome with a frown on his face, and said, "Title theft is not a likely threat because it’s difficult and complicated to achieve in most municipalities and states. However, it is a concern because it can, and does, happen. In this case, it has transpired."

Looking back at Charles, Lawyer Lincoln slightly shook his head and said, "I don't know how he did it, but the deeds and changes of will are real. However, if we can prove that this perpetrator of fraud mimicked the signatures, we have a strong case."

"Perpetrator of what? Fraud?" Charles mumbled in annoyance, scowling at the lawyer.

Ignoring Charles, Rome focused on Catherine and gently intoned, "Have you called your grandfather?"

"No," Catherine mumbled. "Charles claimed that grandfather willingly signed these papers."

"Babe, it's Charles! Are you going to believe a word that comes from him, especially after what he did"

"That's true."

"Go on and call, Mr. Barlow."

Rolling his eyes in the back of his head as he thought, 'Why are you guys talking about me like I'm not standing right here.'

After getting ahold of her phone, Catherine dialed her grandfather's number and then focused on Rome's eyes.

When Mr. Barlow answered the call, she put the phone on speaker and hastily asked, "Grandfather, did you change your will and made Charles the family top inheritor?"

"I did what!?" Mr. Barlow shouted from the other side of the call.

"Did you turn over the company and our family estates to Charles?!"

"Of course not!"

The line went silent for a moment, and Catherine glared at her cousin as he stared at her without a care.

"What are you talking about?!" Mr. Barlow lashed out, and Catherine slightly pulled the phone away from her face.

Then she sighed and said, "Charles brought a bunch of documents to my office, claiming that you signed them, turning DreamTeam and everything else over to him."

"I did no such thing!" Mr. Barlow said, sounding annoyed.


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