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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 204

For a moment, Charles stared at the serious expression on his father's face. Then he shoved his hands into his pocket, frowned, and said, "I'm going to sell DreamTeam."

"What!" William lashed out in shock.

As his face hardened, Charles shot his father a warning look and coldly uttered, "Watch the volume of your voice!"

"How could you think about doing something like that!" William asked in a calmer tone.

"DreamTeam is beyond saving, and if I continue trying to keep it running, I will be at the losing end. That's why I'm going to file for an 'administration bankruptcy' and sell the company."


"Father, that's the only way I can get out of this mess with fortune and start over. But if I don't act now, I get nothing and lose it all!"

Even though William hated the thought of his son selling a company that have been within their family for years, he knew Charles was right.

As he was about to speak, his words got stuck in his throat while he watched Susanna approach them with a tall haughty looking man following her and two police officers.

"Good morning, Charles Barlow!" The fellow called out when he and the maid got closer.

Immediately, Charles' face became pale, and he slowly turned around to face the man before forcing a smile.

"Mr. Willberg!" Charles uttered, keeping the stiff grin plastered on his face. "What are you doing here so early?"

"Are have a court order to repossess DreamTeam and the entire Barlow's properties since they are collateral for the loans that you owe us." Mr. Willberg said as he handed Charles an envelope.

"Wait, what!" Charles shouted while he quivered with frustration and accepted the envelope.

Hearing his loud voice, the rest of the family rushed from the living room and entered the hallway.

"What's going on here?" Mr. Barlow asked with a look of worry on his face.

"Charles had missed a payment for our loan, and under the security agreements, we as the creditor, are entitled to take the collateral." Mr. Willberg calmly explained.

"What?!" Madam Barlow said in a choked voice.

After scanning through the paper from the envelope, Charles glared at Mr. Willberg and cried, "It was one payment!"

"You miss even one payment, you have defaulted on your loan!" Mr. Willberg casually uttered.

With fear glowing in his eyes, Charles frowned and said, "But the bank didn't notify me on this!"

"You waive the right to receive advance notice since our contract doesn't specifically oblige us to do that, and it's your commitment to pay your debt on time!"

After hearing those words, Charles's eyes were lined with anxiety as he harshly uttered, "You guys can't do this to me! I have the right to cure default!"

"You can try, but I think it's too late for that Mr. Barlow. You see, the court wouldn't have given the order if they had seen you fit to repay your debt. But we all know how worrisome your finances are, Charles." Mr. Willberg uttered. "Also, we know that you have plans to sell the company!"

Then his face hardened as he announced, "We have the right to seize the Barlows properties, repossess vehicles, and freeze all bank accounts that relate to those working for DreamTeam according to the security agreements!"

Those words sent panic to Anthony and Elijah's hearts, and Anthony shouted, "Charles, what have you done!"

"Don't yell at me!" Charles lashed out, throwing his uncle a dirty look.

Then he ran his fingers through his hair and his face grew dramatically stricken as he cried out, "I'm fuck!!"

Ignoring his cries, Mr. Willberg looked at their faces and said, "The only thing you all are allowed to take from this house is your clothes. These very nice officers will help escort you all out after you guys are done!"

With his face flat and white, Anthony threw his gaze at the ceiling and mumbled in frustration, "I am doom!"

Immediately, Madam Barlow's eyes jumped with fear as she looked at her husband's pale expression and cried out, "Honey! What are we going to do!?"


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