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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 205

Silence escaped the room when the office door opened, and Rome raised his gaze, giving a half-smile as he watched Mr. Willberg walk into his office.

After shutting the door behind him, he marched over to a chair and sat down.

"How did it go?" Rome asked, dropping his pen on the papers in front of him.

"Smoothly," Mr. Willberg mumbled as he laid a file on the desk.

"As we agreed on, I clear Charles's debts with interest, and you hand over the Barlow properties and DreamTeam to me."

" Yes. That's the agreement. And these documents are my side of my bargain. All you need to do is sign and the Barlow's wealth is yours."

Withdrawing his gaze off Mr. Willbery, Rome stared down at the file for a few seconds before picking it up. Then he opened it and immediately, the corners of his lips raised into a soft smile.

"Catherine is going to be so happy," Rome mumbled, lying the folder on the desk.

Then he picked up his pen and wrote his signature on the blank line at the bottom of the sheet.

"Your money with all the interests will get transferred to the bank today," Rome said with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

"It is a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Ford." Mr. William said, standing to his feet.

Then he extended his right hand to Rome, and they shook hands before he turned away and left the office.

For a moment, Rome sat in silence, thinking things over about how easy everything when.

After pushing aside his thought, he grabbed his phone and stared at the time on its screen before mumbling, "Five o'clock. My dads and Catherine should be at the tasting party by now."

Then he hastily stood to his feet, grabbed his jacket off the rack, and rushed out of his office.

The sound of chatting and laughter mixed with the sweet harmony of classical music gently flowed into Catherine's ear as she took a glass of wine from the waiter's tray.

"That is a glass of ROMANEE-CONTI GRAND CRU wine worth nineteen thousand and fifty-two dollars. Its origin is BURGUNDY, FRANCE." The host of the party informed her with a smile.

For a moment, Catherine twirled the glass, staring at the wine rich shade. Then she brought the glass towards her lips and slowly inhaled its aroma before tasting her drink.

"Be careful with it though. It has a thirteen alcohol percentage." Mr. Ford calmly uttered with a look of concern on his face.

"When you said that you were taking us to a tasting party, I didn't think it would be wine. I thought you meant food tasting." Mr. Miller mumbled with a frown. "You are going to get her drunk."

Then he glanced at the time on his watch and said, "It's six already. We have been here for a while, and we have had a few. Maybe we should get going."

Smirking, Mr. Ford give a half shrugged and said, "Losing up, Miller. You only live once."

As Catherine was about to take another sip, she froze with the glass to her mouth, and her lips curved into a cheerful grin.

After reaching Catherine, Rome smiled at her and then asked, "Do you want to get out of here? I have a surprise for you in the car."

Beaming widely, Catherine nodded her head, and Rome took the glass out of her hand.

Then he casually handed it to Mr. Miller and absentmindedly said, "Hey dads."

With a look of disbelief on their faces, Mr. Miller and Ford watched as Rome held Catherine's hand and led her away.

The guests' eyes remained glued to Catherine and him as Rome carried her out of the room until the door shut closed behind them.

When they got to his car and were seated in the backseat, Catherine met Rome's eyes with a look of happiness beaming on her face and asked, "Okay, what is the surprise?"

Without saying a word to Catherine, Rome picked up the folder off the car seat and handed it over to her.

Not wasting a second, Catherine took it out of his hand and giggled in excitement before opening the file.

As he watched her focus on the document, Rome said, "I know they are in my name, but what's mine is yours, and…"

"You go…" Catherine whispered, choking on her words.


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