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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 209

As Rome paced back and forth with the phone pressed against his ear, he could feel fear getting the best of him and his hand trembling.

After procrastinating for a while, William swallowed hard and finally answered the call and said, “Boss, Ma'am is missing.”

It took Rome a moment to process those words because the instant he heard them, his entire mind went blank.

When he finally snapped out of the feeling that had him lost of words, his grip on his phone tightened as he asked, "What do you mean by my wife is missing?!"

"She went into 'Dallas Cafe,' I swear to you, boss. But she never came out, and I am inside the building, but it's empty. Not even a staff member is in this place." William cried out with a trembling voice.

“That lunatic!” Rome shouted, tightening his grip around his phone fiercely with anger blazing in his eyes.

Suddenly the call between William and him got interrupted because of an incoming call.

Recognizing the name on the screen, Rome hastily accepted the call and mumbled, "Babe?"

Taking his eyes off Catherine's tears stain face, Axel gazed at the knife in his hand and coldly said, “Your voice always makes my desire to kill you become stronger.”

“Listen to me. Whatever my father or I did to you, my wife is not at fault, so let her go, please!”

“The greatest vengeance is murdering not the offender, but the ones he holds so dearly to his heart.”

It was taking every last bit of Rome's willpower to keep calm as he said, “It's me that you want. Please let Catherine go, and you can have me.”

“What use will it be, keeping an enemy hostage that could break free at his own will.” Axel coldly intoned, eyeing Catherine for a second. "Also, your wife is the perfect hostage for my plan, not you.

“You can't do this! She's innocent in all of this!”

“But she's your weakness, so I'm not the reason she could die, you are.”


Abruptly, the call got cut off in Rome's ear, and he almost tossed the phone on the wall. But he held in his anger and dialed Scar's number.

“Forget about Amara, and put together a search party of all our men and tell them to look for Catherine,” Rome said the moment Scar answered the call.

“What? Why?” Scar's voice echoed into his ear.

“Axel has Catherine, and I don't know what he's going to do to her or have any idea of what is going through his sick mind. I'm going out to find her, but I alone can't cover the entire city, so I need you guys' assistance.”

“Okay, I will get the team together, and we will join you in the search.”

“Proceed with caution and spill blood if necessary, even if that blood belongs to Axel.”

“Copy that!"

After ending the call, Rome shove his phone in his coat pocket and ran for the elevator.

Once Rome reached the parking lot, he raced for his car, and after he got in the backseat, Mr. Orlando and K looked at him with confusion in their gaze.

"Catherine has been kidnapped!" Rome blurted out, trying to catch his breath.

"What!"Mr. Orlando shouted in shock.

Tightening his fist, K's eyes grew dark as he asked, "What's the plan, boss?"

"We should start our search at, 'Dallas Cafe.' That's where she was last seen and then, we can follow whatever trail we find." Rome said in desperation.

At that moment, his phone started buzzing, and immediately, when he saw that it was an unknown number calling, he answer.

“My bad for ending the call abruptly. It was kind of shocking that you knew my name. But I wasn't that surprised because I studied you for a while now, Rome. You are a very crafty man, and the best teacher." Axel's voice flowed into his ear.

Then when Rome didn't speak, he continued, "Also, I had to damage your wife's phone. But now, we can talk freely since there is no means of you tracking me."

After a moment of hesitation, Rome got a hold of his emotions and said, "Anything. Name your price in exchange for my wife."

"Your husband really loves you. He just said he can give anything for you. Let's see how true those words are." Axel said, gazing at Catherine's tears stained face.


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