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A Love Reawakened: The Alpha's Regret (Angela) novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155 


Harriette’s POV 

As I turned to see who it was, I realized it was Alpha Rowan. Not only was I shocked but I was also confused as to what to do 


I was so close to the border. Five more steps and I was out of that rogue pack. Forever

He growled, demanding my submission but I ignored it and I didn’t stop fighting. I wanted to leave more than anything else. Even more than breathing

Alpha Rowan grabbed my chin, holding it tightly

Submit, Harriette, his voice was gentle yet firm and domineering

I bit down on my tongue as I glowered hard at him

Let me go.” I demanded

He shook his head. Not even if you go on your knees and beg me,he spat

His hand slipped from holding me hostage and I used that opportunity to try to run. I didn’t move two steps from where we were standing when he grabbed me again. My legs sunk into a sharp object and I hissed. 

I didn’t cry out in pain because that pain was nothing compared to the pain of not getting to leave tonight

Let me go.” I yelled

He suddenly covered my mouth with his large palm. You want to wake everyone up and explain to them why and how you’re at the border at this time of the night. Be my guest

He removed his hand and I could only breathe heavily

Alpha Rowan picked me up and threw me across his shoulder like I weighed nothing

I can walk, I insisted

He didn’t answer me. I tried turning to stare at the borders again but I couldn’t

I was so close. I almost cried.. 

I was a bit worried about Ella since I couldn’t find her but I was sure she had managed to escape. She was a strong girl

She would get herself out without any trouble in any way possible

It wasn’t until we arrived at the Alpha’s office that Alpha Rowan let me down from his shoulder. My injured feet touched the floor and I almost screamed

Alpha Rowan looked back, stared at me with those soulful eyes and I looked away. He threw his office door open and he dragged me in 

As I looked ahead, I saw Gideon, Commander Mika, and to my greatest surprise, Ella. She was on her knees with her hands tied to her back

I wasn’t expecting you to bring her back like this. She was supposed to be bound leg to feet, Commander Mika spat

“I trusted you, Harriette,she yelled at me

I frowned. I hadn’t done anything wrong to her. I wanted to leave. Was that an act of betrayal or was it a criminal offense? I almost asked

Maybe she was aware that we lied about our pack. Could Alpha Rowan have told her

Gideon loosened the tie on Ella’s hand and she ran to my side. I held her hand. She stared at my feet and I noticed she had

worried look on her face

At that moment. I wished we had the mindlink too. I could’ve asked her how she ended up here

How could you steal from Alpha Rowan and decide to leave in the middle of the night?Commander Mika asked angrily

Was that question for me or for someone else

I pointed to myself as I looked at her. Me?I asked her

Commander Mika sneered. Steal from Rowan

I stared at Alpha Rowan for an explanation but he said nothing. He was sitting, staring at his devil’s equipment called a laptop

Harriette had nothing to do with it. It was all me, Ella suddenly answered from behind me

What I spat 

I turned to her and she looked up at me. What the fuck was she talking about

What did you steal?I asked her. She shook her head slowly and looked away

“I asked you a fucking question, Ella,I asked through gritted teeth

She opened her palm to show me something that looked like a diamond. A red diamond if I could 

I wanted to give it to Mother, Harriette,she whispered to me

No Whispering!Gideon commanded

Wait Wait! Whatever it was, didn’t make sense to me anymore. What was happening again

What are you talking about, Ella?I asked again, gently this time

Are you saying you weren’t aware she stole from Alpha Rowan Commander Mika asked me

My mouth dropped open but no words came ouL 


“No, she didn’t know anything.Ella answered beside me. The pain in my leg suddenly shot up reminding me it was still there 

Why was I not healing as fast as usual

That wasn’t my main concern at the moment anyway, so I tried as much as possible to ignore the pain

Then, why were you leaving with her, Harriette

Commander Mika asked yet another question that I couldn’t answer

Because I told her I wanted us to go home. I told her we should leave since I was tired of this place and she agreed. She didn’t want me to go back home alone,” 

Ella answered and stared at me. I kept staring at her in disbelief. Our lies in the rogue pack as long as we stayed here were supposed to be coordinated, not onesided

At that moment, I was lost for words. Nothing was making sense and I was beginning to feel dizzy

I slipped to the floor and rested my back against the wall

Collect the diamond from her and keep her in a cell till I say otherwise,” 

Alpha Rowan instructed. He finally looked up for the first time since we both walked in

Yes, Alpha, Gideon bowed and walked towards Ella 

He collected the diamond first and took it back to Alpha Rowan


I’m sure there’s a mistake somewhere. Ella wouldn’t steal anything. I know her and I can vouch for her.” I said my 

Chapter 155 

Ella, did you or did you not steal the diamond from Alpha Rowan?Commander Mika asked

I did and I feel terrible for it


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