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A Love Reawakened: The Alpha's Regret (Angela) novel Chapter 156

Chapter 156 


Rowan’s POV 

That afternoon, I 1 was in my office when I heard a slight knock on my door. Whoever it was must have received permission from the warriors at the reception. I thought it might have been Mika or Gideon, but as the knock resounded the second time, I realized it wouldn’t be either of those two

They were too rude to knock twice. They would’ve barged in without bothering to wait for my instructions

Come in,I ordered. I turned back to the laptop in front of me. I was busy going through some of the pack’s monthly updates to see what could be improved. We were increasing in number and there was a dire need to increase the importation of some products

I was getting closer to a conclusion. A distraction wasn’t something I needed at that moment. I hoped whoever it was would make it quick and get the hell out of my office

Although the door opened like ten seconds ago, I didn’t lift up my eyes until I was done with my current page

What do you want?I asked the familiar face. I was sure I’d seen her several times in the pack 

Im Ella, Harriette’s sister,she answered

At the mention of Harriette’s name, I lifted my head to look at her. Even though she and Harriette shared a few similarities, nothing about them made them look like sisters. They were like two different people trained to look like they were the same person

“And?I replied nonchalantly. I shouldn’t act interested in whoever she was just because she mentioned Harriette’s name

Alpha Rowan, I’m here to make you an offer, can I sit?” 

I chucked. I wish I had a microscope to check where she got that audacity from Keep standing. Tell me, what offer is this?She stared at me. I raised an eyebrow and she looked away

Harriette is planning to escape the pack tonight,she revealed

Even though my facial expression didn’t change, I twisted my palm into a tight fist underneath the table

I should’ve known something like this would happen after I asked her to come clean about who she was

She told me that you found out we lied about our pack and she’s planning on leaving,she explained further

She? Or both of you?I asked her

Both of us but I don’t want us to leave, Alpha Rowan,” 

She confessed

I raised an eyebrow. How does this concern me?” 

Harriette is a good asset to your pack and so am I. I believe it’ll be a terrible mistake if you allow us to leave. I really like it here. I can’t leave and go back to the hellhole we came from,” 

She cried

As I looked at her, there was not a bit of honesty in her. I shouldn’t be surprised anyway, she was Harriette’s supposed sister. Lying was one more thing they shared in common

I smirked. Where do I come in with all of these?I asked her


us from escaping,she declared. What? Did I hear her right? or was I mistaken

Why would I do that? My warriors would be glad to watch you both fry to death as you try to get across the barbed wires,” 

Taco escape routes in fact

browned. Thow the fuck all Harriette know that? There were indeed twor hed some works 

who lixeil it and com 

ted the barbed wire 

scape routes in the 

chut yesterday evening

diorscape through those routes, Harriette would really be electrocuted to death


Ti more interested in the belllnle you came from. If you tell for about it, I think about stopping you from ear 


the answered 

you stop us from escaping. I’ll be at your mercy forever and I’ll tell you everything about where I came from,” she 

She was a good negoititor 

Tone will this berhit you? Snitching on your sister like this?” 

I’ll help keep her on track and save both of our heads,” 

he answered. Even though I didn’t understand her 

answer, I alilit push it further

What life are you pluming to escape? Lasked her one last question 

Mislight,she answered

Her willingness to snitch on her sister without rest was suspicious. In fact

fact, it made her more suspicious than Harriette

Remember this later tonight, you stole from me and that is the reason why you’re running. Harriette doesn’t know you stole this and she wanted to leave because you begged her to,” she stared at me in confusion lelore it became clear to her

I brought out a red diamond and gave it to her 

“Thank you” 

er eyes filled with tears. From her body language, it was 

  1. c. it was obvious that she was appreciative

She said gently, her 

You can leave my office now.” 

I commanded. As she walked out of the room, I smirked

Harriette was really planning on escaping because the option of coming clean seemed too far fetched for her. That meant whatever she was trying to hide was crazy

I took out my phone and stared at the picture of her knife again. I placed my hand underneath my chin and kept staring. Something about that knife was nervewracking

Once it was close to ten night, Mika walked into my 

We have to patrol the borders,” 

I shook my heal. Not tonight.” 

She frowned. Why?” 

We’re going on a hunt. I said with a smirk

Mika grimmed like a predator. Who?“ 

Someone stole from me. A girl and her sister,” I informed her

Someone I know” 

She rubbard her palons against each other and smirked excitedly. What time!


  I turned to her. In two hours,” 

By idnight. Mika. Gideon, and I lay in ambush waiting for Harriette and her sister. What was her name again

Not long after that, they both walked out of their building, looking around to see if anything or anyone was around

They soon both took different routes

Tll go after Harriette, you both go after Ella,” 

Gideon instructed. Both Mika and I turned to him and I raised an eyebrow

What did I do this time?Gideon asked, looking guilty and scared

Why are you giving out instructions as if we’re your subordinates?Mika asked

Gideon bowed. Im sorry, Alpha,” 

Mention Harriette’s name again and I’ll glue your lips together,” 

1 threatened as I walked after Harriette

After I brought her back from the border to my office, her wound was my major concern. All the drama her sister pulled didn’t bother me as much as the wound

We’d set poisoned silver close to the border because of intruders and I didn’t believe Harriette would be one of the victims. It made me almost regret my decision of putting those things at the border

As soon as I dismissed the rest, I attended to her. I brought out the knife so I could get the poison out

Harriette lost consciousness. I picked her up and took her to my apartment so she could heal better and faster

Alpha Rowan,Mika called from the other end of the door

I flung my door open. Her eyes traced the blood on my shirt

It’s not mine. What’s going on?” 

The Werewolf King is here,” 


Rowan’s POV 

The werewolf king is here.” 

Mika repeated the second time since she didn’t get a reaction from me the first time

That happened because I wasn’t expecting him in my pack at this time of the day. I turned back to look at the granny’s clock in my apartment. It was almost two in the morning


I glared at her. What?” 

“I said the werewolf..” 

I heard you the first time, I told her. I heard her perfectly well both times. I just didn’t know how to react to the news of my father being in my father even after I told him not to come

We have to meet him at the gates. We can’t just let him come in like that,” 

I fucking hated that man more than my life. I hated my life quite a lot but I hated the king more

Get all the warriors to the gate, I instructed 

What about Harriette?” 

She’s wounded. Release her sister and make her stay here with Harriette for the next few hours, Mika raised an eyebrow. She was probably surprised at the fact that Harriette was in my room

Okay, Alpha,” 

She sent out a mind link to every one of our warriors. Including those on duty and those off duty. A number of them joined Mika and me as we marched towards the gate

We can’t turn him back, Alpha Rowan, Mika advised on our way

“What if I do?I spat

We would be disrespecting the werewolf king and that might lead to war. Remember when you started this place, you promised you wouldn’t have to spill the blood of these rogues at any point just to keep the foundation strong. I know you and Thome want blood but please, let’s do this the right way.” 

She explained. I ignored her and kept walking 

True to my intuition, my father wasn’t alone. He was with several people that might exceed twenty. There was no way in hell I’d allow all of them in and starve my people

Immediately the gates were opened, I stepped out. My father also stepped out of his car. He removed the scarf he used to cover his face and came right to me

I’m guessing your people at the palace don’t know you’re here,” I asked, pointing at the disguise

Not everything should be told,he answered

You should’ve called. We’re not in the medieval era,I spat


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