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Ascension of a Gamma novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Rogue Gamma

– Rigel –

Gale should be back at the White Lake Pack by now. I could’ve started earlier but I had to make sure he wasn’t going to come back. It’d ruin the plan. My friend had been waiting for months – what were a few more hours?

“Rigel!” shouted Mom from downstairs. “Come have dinner!”

I went down and joined her in the kitchen. She already had it ready for me o n a hot plate – roasted beef and mashed potatoes. My mouth watered. No one cooked like Mom. I sneaked behind her then gave her a hug.

“Thanks, Mom!” I exclaimed then kissed her cheek.

She laughed as she put the plate down.” Grow up, will you?”

“I am grown,” I replied, motioning to my body. She rolled her eyes and took off her apron.

“What are you doing back here? Are you

escaping work again?” she questioned with her hand on her hip.

I stuffed my mouth with the mashed potatoes. “Mmm… so good, Mom. Your cooking’s the best!”

“So you are,” she said, sighing. She sat beside me as she folded the apron. “Rigel, I understand it’s been hard on you, but you have to let her go.”

Next, I cut a huge chunk of the roast beef s o I could chew longer. “It’s what she would have wanted,” she said softly.

I paused then shook my head and continued. It wasn’t about what she wanted, it’s about what I wanted. I wanted a future with her, and it was taken from me. I couldn’t help but blame myself for what happened. Her life was o n me thus, it was only right that I get my revenge. I’d never have peace until I avenge her, until that asshole was killed b y my own two hands.

Mom held my hand. She spoke with that soft loving voice full of motherly love. “I know you’re up to something.”

I turned to face her.

What does she know? How?

She only smiled and placed a hand on my cheek.

“I know because you’re my son. I can tell when you’re hiding something. I can tell when you’re hurting. I won’t stop you from doing what you think is right, but always remember that I love you and Maya always loved you. If she was here right now, she’d want you to be happy.”

I smiled at her. Taking her hand off my face, I placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand.

“I could never hide anything from you,” I said, and she shook her head. “I want to b e happy, Mom, but I can’t be until her soul rests in peace.”

“Who are we to say she isn’t? The Goddess

“The Goddess understands what I’m about to do,” I said, cutting her off. I let g o of her hand then moved toward the door.

Even at this moment, I still won’t see her cry. She had always been strong. After

Dad died, she kept it together for me. And now, just like Dad, I might never come home.

I felt her hug me from behind, her arms around me tightly like she wanted to keep me in place. At least, in our last moments, she wasn’t distant and cold.Will I see you again?” she whispered, her voice cracking at the end. Gently, I removed her arms and opened the door, going outside without turning to look at her. I knew if I did, I’d run back to her and abort the mission.

I’m sorry, Mom, but I have to do this.

I’d already come this far. I’d already waited this long

I can’t turn back now.

Slipping into the shadows, I carefully headed to the “Fun House”, a moniker Gale didn’t approve of explicitly. He liked it. It was just like him. It hid the true nature of the place.

Thick concrete with a customized interior to keep their screams shut from the rest o f the world and a glass ceiling to give them a ray of hope. It was Gale’s idea, the

sick bastard.

My friend hadn’t talked yet so he should still have his sanity intact. Inside the building, the smell was nothing short of disgusting, and yet Gale’s team of similar -minded bastards could spend hours in here.

“Rhea! Why don’t you take a break, sweetheart?”

Something metal fell on the floor. Rhea was in my face the moment the clanging sound echoed in the room.

“We don’t use names here, Gamma,” she hissed through full red lips. A cutesy mask that resembled that of a cat’s, covered half of her face. It was weird that one corner was decorated with a long feather when cats have fur.

I smirked at her then gently shoved her t o the side. The man chained down on the floor had his head hung low, blood and sweat and saliva dripping into a pool under him.

“Are you scared he’ll free himself and kill you?” I mocked.

Beta said

“You know what, why don’t you do a little something for me?” I said, placing a n arm around her shoulders.

I took out a box from my jeans pocket then handed it to her.

“I need you to send that to Liam. He’s over at the White Lake Pack and I’m too busy to have to deliver it in person. Think you can do it?”

She escaped from my hold then faced me, tearing her mask off to show a very pissed -off expression.

“I’m not your errand girl, Rigel! What are you even doing here? You hate this place.”

“Not everything about it,” I smirked.

We were an item for a while before Maya came into my life. She backed off without any fuss, but there was no mistaking that she still wanted me. She could hold up a front all she wanted – she loved it when I was calling the shots.

I closed the small distance between us then tipped her chin.

“You’re being disobedient, Rhea. You know I don’t like that.”

She rolled her eyes at me. “I won’t fall for that, Rigel. It’s been two years. I’ve changed,” she said, forcing herself out of my hold. “I’ll send your stupid box, but you don’t have to stoop this low.”.

She backed away from me then opened the door. “Maya wouldn’t want you to either,” she said as she slammed it in my face.

I stood still, blinking at what just happened, my ego damaged. A laugh came from my friend.

“Smooth,” he said hoarsely in between laughs.

“Shut up.”

Everyone around me was changing in one or another. They were all moving on with their lives while I was frozen in time. I had to do this – else I’ll be stuck in the past. I got the keys off the hook and began to set the prisoner free.

He fell face flat on the floor with a grunt. Groaning, he stood up and stretched his

arms and legs.

“How are you still alive?”

He smirked. “My fruit basket didn’t want me to die,” he said as he helped himself into the potions to help his wounds heal faster.

Whatever the fuck that meant.

“Your pack has a witch?”

“None of your business,” I replied, and h e chuckled. He groaned as his wounds started to close up. The acceleration intensified the pain.

Investigating matters that involved rogue involved rogues, themselves. That rogue was supposed to wait by the borders. He was selling information on the Blue Moon Pack and I was his client. Apparently, so was this bastard.

Unfortunately for the two of us, fucker just had to breach the boundaries and attack Anna. Then he was taken out because he was hanging around the boundaries. He was simply at the right place at the wrong time.

“Serves you right for volunteering to get


“I wanted to see her,” he said nonchalantly.

“You wouldn’t have gotten the chance to i f I wasn’t there. The rogue almost killed


“He’s dead and she’s alive. That’s all that matters.” He ripped his shirt off and threw the rag on the floor. “I need a bath.”

“You’d need more than that,” I replied. His wounds were finally healed. “Let’s get out of here before the next shift. My team’s next and with your slow shitty ass, we’ll both get caught.”

“This doesn’t do shit,” he replied, opening his arms.

“By the way, your prisoner escaped. He’s back at the White Lake Pack as we speak.”

He grunted. “Doesn’t change a thing. We’re still doing this, yeah?”

“All the way,” I said firmly as I went out.

I was the only one who knew about that rogue. Until he spouted shit that he was

meeting with him. I got to learn that a ghost pack was looking to take down Myron. I met up with his Alpha. We got talking, and now, I was helping his Head Gamma escape so we could proceed with the plan.

We had only one goal: kill that fucking bastard.

Andrix inhaled loudly beside me then chuckled. “I feel like going for a run.”

I ignored him and made my way towards the borders. He followed in silence. Until five minutes later, and after every thirty seconds, he kept asking, “How much longer?” in annoyance.

As Head Gamma, I knew where everyone was posted and when. One would think it’d be easy for me to slip in and out of this territory unnoticed, but I also knew what they were capable of – what my own team was made of.

I could maybe pull this off alone, and with a plus one, my chances drastically took a plunge. Still, it wasn’t impossible.

Voices came from our side. I paused then hid behind a tree. “This should be fun,”

Andrix whispered as he made to move towards those voices.

Getting louder now, I lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. “Shut the fuck up and wait,” I warned. I wasn’t going to lose everything at this point because his short-tempered ass wouldn’t wait. So here I was, on top of a full-grown man, a hand covering his mouth to shut him up.

The patrols passed us by, none of them taking notice of two men behind the bushes. I was relieved but also disappointed at these assholes. An enemy could’ve been in my place! What the fuck was Gale teaching these kids! 1

When I was sure that they were gone, I got back up on my feet and gave him a hand. “Now shut it. We don’t have much time. We have to get out of here before m y team takes over the shift,” I said firmly as I turned my back on him and continued walking

“Are you gay?” he asked, catching up to m e. My wolf gave me a mocking look.

“You know why I’m doing this. What the fuck makes you think I’m like you,” I

spat in a low voice,

The fact that you were on top of me just moments –

I smacked him in the head with a fist to shut him up. He groaned silently as he massaged his scalp. Now close to the borders, the current patrols were preparing to receive my team. I had purposefully assigned the newbies on the northern borders for this very purpose.


“Stick to the plan,” I told him then left him in the trees as I showed myself to my


“Who goes there?” one of them asked as the others aimed their Moosberg 500 shotguns at me.


“It’s Rigel!” another exclaimed and they lowered their firearms.

Not nice.

I walked up to them with a smile. “Goodt o see you fuckers are awake.”

“We don’t sleep on the job, Sir!”

“Call me Rigel. My team here yet?”

As I made small talk with the gathered crowd of five, Andrix sneaked around them and knocked off one. The kid fell limp on the ground. Having caught them off guard, I knocked two to sleep while he dealt with the remaining two.

We werewolves prided ourselves with the bond within the pack and respected the hierarchy. The Alpha bloodline, the Beta bloodline, the Gamma bloodline – these were all utmost importance for they held the pack together, generation after

“Where are the others?” I asked casually.

Were enough to take you down,” Nalia replied.

“One versus two hardly seems fair,” he replied, chuckling as he faced the two women.

weun nave me TUI TITS, you ass. UIT my signal…”

dodge had I been an ordinary human. Sabri had reloaded her guns at the same time I within her range. Quickly, I dodged the shots and grabbed her by the wrist, hard, to me, then twisted her body to the side with more than enough force to take her down. Her guns now on the ground, I picked up one and smashed her face with i


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