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Contract Marriage With Mysterious President novel Chapter 103

Amy kept praising Richard, making Robin feel as if Amy and Richard had always been in love with each other.

"But, Amy, why were you dumped by Matt? You are such an outstanding girl. I really can't understand!" Matt and his daughter were in love for three years. During the three years, although Matt was not very nice to him, he put up with him for his daughter's sake. He had never imagined that Matt dumped his daughter.

"Dad, don't be bothered about that. As the saying goes, this might be a blessing in disguise. Look, I'm very good now, right?" Amy let Stephen look at her.

Stephen sighed and looked at his daughter. She looked very well but he didn't know what kind of person she had married. What if he was a disgusting old man, or even older than him? How disappointed her mother would be?

"Am I late? Sorry, I went to a meeting this morning so I couldn't pick you up by myself." Richard rushed back. He didn't want Amy to go, but he had a very important meeting to attend.

Stephen turned around and almost fell on the ground in fear. 'This man... this man, oh lord! Isn't he Richard Carter?'

"C... Car... Mr. Carter?" Stephen stammered. Richard was like the king in R City. In the past, he didn't even dare to think of cooperating with HD Group. However, this man just showed up.

"Mr. Miller, please just call me Richard." Richard walked to Amy and asked her how she was feeling today.

Stephen's mouth was wide open, and he was unable to accept the truth.

"Dad, this is your son-in-law, Richard. Don't be shocked. I've told you that I'm lucky!" Amy comforted Stephen. Hearing that, Stephen closed his mouth.

If his daughter was dumped by Matt but married Richard, it was her fortune.

"Mr. Miller, you travelled by plane for so long. Please have a rest in the guest room. Robin, take him to the guest room." Richard said thoughtfully to Stephen.

"Yes. Yes. Alright. I'll take a rest." Stephen was relieved. It was too good to be true. He was happy for his daughter to have such good fortune.

Stephen looked at Amy again and felt that the smile on her face was sincere, so he went to rest at ease.

As soon as Stephen left, the smile on Amy's face disappeared.

Just now, she had used all her strength to reassure her father. Now she felt very tired.

"Are you tired? I can carry you up." Seeing Amy looking tired, Richard bent down to carry her up.

"No, I can go up on my own. I'm pregnant so I need to walk more. It will benefit me when I give birth in the future." Amy was timid to let Richard pick her up in arms in front of so many people.

"You can walk more a few months later. You have serious morning sickness, so move as less as possible." Richard didn't care about her embarrassment. He picked up Amy and walked upstairs.

Amy was so light. She was not short, but Richard felt she was light in his arms.

"You're too skinny. You should eat more. It’s good to you and our baby." Richard whispered to Amy.


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