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Contract Marriage With Mysterious President novel Chapter 105

Amy had been pregnant for three months, and she didn’t suffer morning sickness any longer. She ate much, and her baby was good in her belly.

Stephen was still living in the villa. Richard said that Amy loved the food cooked by Stephen, so he asked Stephen to stay and cook for Amy.

Richard was right, so Amy found it improper to insist on her father's moving out. She felt it quite pleasant to have her father keep her company at home.

"Amy, it's been three months. We should go to the hospital to have another check-up." Richard took a day off from his busy schedule and planned to take Amy to the hospital.

"I'll go myself. Business first." Amy thought she could go to the hospital on her own, and there was no need for anyone to keep her company.

"I'd better go with you. Anyway, I've finished my work today, and I don't have much to do tomorrow." Richard was still worried. He wanted to be there for Amy all the time.

Amy didn't insist. Since Richard said so, she believed he had arranged everything well.

As Amy was pregnant, Richard spent more time at home, but he often went out at night. Amy thought that he might have gone to see Allison, so she felt a little flustered.

"Mr. Carter, I’m sorry to tell you the bad news. You baby suffers from congenital physical deformity. We suggest abortion," The head of the gynecology department looked at the ultrasound report and said to Richard.

"What? Congenital physical deformity? Is it serious?" Richard got anxious.

"Yes. Sorry. So far, we cannot see his limbs." The head showed the B-ultrasound image to Richard.

Richard took a look. However, this was Amy's first baby. She was so happy to be a mother. If he suddenly told her to abort the baby, Richard was afraid that she would not be strong enough to stand it.

"Can't we wait any longer?" Richard said to the head.

"We can't wait any longer. Otherwise, the mother will suffer more and it will cause ill effects on her womb. So we have to abort the baby as soon as possible. You are still young. You can have more babies in the future." The head sighed and comforted. She didn’t want to see this either. But she had to be responsible for both the patient and the child. A child born with physical disability wouldn’t be the only one who suffered. So would everyone around it.

"I'll think about it. I need to go back and discuss it with my wife." Richard had a heavy heart.

"Alright, Mr. Carter. If you make up your mind, please contact me as soon as possible so that I can arrange the operation." She sighed again.

Richard walked out of the office, feeling sad and unfair.

"How's it going?" Amy had a hopeful expression on her face. She felt that her baby was fine and there was no need for any examination.

"Amy, are you hungry? I'll send you back first. I have something to tell you tonight." Richard had yet to figure out how to tell Amy. He wanted to go to the company and think about it.

"Alright, then I'll wait for you." Seeing that Richard's expression was terrible, Amy stopped asking.

Just as they left the gynecology department, Allison came out from the corner. She saw Richard bring Amy here, so she followed them. Now that they left, she entered the head’s office.

"Hello, Monica." Allison greeted the head.

"Allison? I haven't seen you for a few years, and you have grown taller and prettier." Monica Neville was a classmate of Allison's mother.


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