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Contract Marriage With Mysterious President novel Chapter 114

"Mom, Amy went home with Richard. How could that bitch still believe him? Isn't she supposed to hate him?" Allison said to Tracy as she lay on the sofa, eating some fruit.

"How can I know that the bitch just forgave Richard so easily? But don't worry. I will think of another way for you. Richard is yours, and no one else can get him," Tracy promised as she helped Allison peel fruit. She was making a new plan.

"But now since they are together, what should I do? I get angry whenever I see them together." Allison fiercely stuffed the fruit into her mouth.

She chewed it as hard as she could, as if she were biting Amy.

"Allison, you should act generous at this moment. Bless them. You should stop going again Amy now. You have many more opportunities in the future. But your priority is to make Richard believe that you are a gentle and virtuous woman. Wait for the right time patiently and then we shall carry out our plan again," Tracy told Allison.

Allison thought for a moment and realized that she had no other choice but to follow her mother’s advice.


"Amy, why aren't you sleeping?" Richard asked when he saw she was still reading something under the lamp.

Hearing his voice, she hurriedly covered the documents in her hands.

"Richard, you're back. Are you tired? I'll go run a bath for you." Amy put away the materials. At present, she did not want him to know that she had found a job as a translator.

"No need. I'll do it myself. Amy, you've been resting for so long. Why don't you go back to work tomorrow?" Richard felt a sense of loss when he couldn't see her in the company.

"Alright." Amy agreed. She also wanted to be with Richard. She could do the translation at night.

Hearing that she agreed to it, Richard happily whistled.

As Richard entered the bathroom, Amy hid the materials quickly. She had almost finished all the translation work and she could go and hand in the translation the day after tomorrow.

After the bath, Richard came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. His muscular body looked especially sexy under the light.

Amy glanced at him and could no longer retract her gaze. She involuntarily swallowed.

Richard walked to her and took her in his arms.

"Amy, you're wonderful." Richard kissed Amy's hair. He liked to smell her fragrance.

Amy wrapped his waist with her hands and pressed her face against his chest.

"Richard." Her soft voice was fascinating. He could no longer resist the temptation and carried her up and walked towards the bed.


"Amy, you've finally come back to work. We missed you." Hannah and Hilary stood at the door of the President Office early in the morning, welcoming Amy.

Amy came to work in Richard's car today. He said that the bus was too crowded and uncomfortable, so he gave her a lift.

"I missed you too." Amy was joyful. The unhappy days had passed, and she wanted to live a new life.

"Let's go eat crayfish tonight. Just the three of us, no one else. Otherwise, we can’t talk freely." Hannah's point was obvious; she did not want Richard to join them.


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