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Contract Marriage With Mysterious President novel Chapter 143

Amy took a taxi to HD Group. She did not tell Richard because she wanted to give him a surprise.

The receptionists knew that she was the president's wife, so they just let her in.

When Amy arrived at the president's office, she heard that it was quiet inside. Gently opening the door, she found that Richard was on the phone.

Without saying anything, she walked in and closed the door.

"Alright. Goodbye." Richard was surprised to see Amy.

"Amy, come here." Richard hung up the phone and waved to Amy, signaling her to come over.

"Come sit here." Richard smiled flirtatiously and pulled Amy onto his laps.

"There are chairs. It's not appropriate. People will see us." Amy wanted to get up, but Richard stopped her and held her tightly in his arms.

It had been hours since he saw her last time. He missed her, and some parts of his body also missed her.

"It's fine. No one will come in. They know that my wife is here. They are not stupid." Richard buried his head in Amy's neck, sniffing the fragrance of her body.

There was someone stupid, though. When they were making out, the door was opened, surprising Amy.

Allison came in and saw what happened in the room. Then, she stepped back while apologizing.

After Amy stood up, Richard told Allison to come in.

"Come in. What's the matter?" Richard put on a long face.

"I'm sorry, Richard. Here is a very important contract. The other party requests us to sign it immediately." Allison looked aggrieved.

However, she should have brought the contract to Richard early in the morning. She had forgotten it. Seeing Amy was here, she couldn't help but want to mess up with Amy.

"Put it down. Leave us alone if there is not anything else," Richard said.

Allison bit her lips and put down the contract. Before leaving, she smiled and walked to Amy.

"Amy, you are getting beautiful. How about we grab a cup of coffee when you are available?"

"Thanks, but I don't like coffee." Amy didn't even look at Allison. Amy's hand was held by Richard. Seeing it, Allison was pissed off.

"Then I'll leave you alone." Not able to get anything that she wanted, Allison left Richard's office.

It was hard for Sophia not to be able to vent her anger. Therefore, she called Sophia, asking Sophia to come out to be her company.

"Sophia, are you available now? Come out and have a cup of coffee with me?" Allison asked Sophia.


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