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Contract Marriage With Mysterious President novel Chapter 145

"I want to try this dress." Sophia liked a pink dress, marked sold, but she insisted on trying it on.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Sophia. This dress has been sold. The customer hasn't come to pick it up yet." The shopping guide didn't dare to cross the person who bought this dress, so she did not give it to Sophia to try it on.

"I'm just trying it on, not taking it. Why couldn't I? You know I'm wife of the second young master of the Carters. How dare you treat me like this? Do you want to do business or not?" Sophia felt that the shopping guide looked down upon her.

"I'm sorry for this. I know who you are, but someone has bought this dress. So, we can't let you try it on." The shopping guide explained patiently to Sophia.

But today, she was brainwashed by Allison, feeling that she was the most powerful person, and everyone should give in. She wanted this dress.

The quarrel attracted the manager.

"What happened? Ms. Sophia, take it easy. What's going on here?" When the manager walked over, she got a glass of water for Sophia.

"You tell me! This shopping guide is too unreasonable. I asked her to give me that dress to try on, but she refused. Was she afraid that I couldn't afford it?" Sophia chugged the water.

"What's going on?" The manager asked the shopping guide, who pointed at the pink dress in the window. The manager immediately understood.

"I'm really sorry. This dress has been sold. We could show it as the customer didn't take it away. If you like it, we can discuss with the headquarters and see if they can send us the dress which they kept for us." There weren't many for limited edition. This was a privilege that Chanel had given to the R City Department Store. There were only two, one of which had been reserved.

The other one belonged to another shop. In order to appease Sophia, the manager decided to fight for it.

"Since you have another, I'll take this one." Sophia was even more unscrupulous. She was about to open the window to get the dress.

The manager was so frightened that she hurriedly stopped her.

"Ms. Sophia, I don't think this works. The customer will come to get it tomorrow morning. If you like it, I will try to get one for you. There are only ten in the world." The manager patiently explained to Sophia.

"Do you think I can't afford it? Get the person in charge here. I must have this dress." Sophia became unreasonable.

So, those who wanted to enter the shop stood at the door to see the drama, expecting to see how to deal with this wealthy person.

The manager had no other choice but to call the person in charge.

She also tried to persuade Sophia, but Sophia did not give way because she was from the Carter family.

"Who's messing around here?" A harsh voice came from outside. The people standing at the door consciously moved aside.

Mrs. Newell walked in gracefully. She narrowed her eyes as she found it was Sophia.

Sophia had almost harmed her daughter. It seemed that the she didn't learn a lesson from it. Now, she was bold to come here to make trouble.


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