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Contract Marriage With Mysterious President novel Chapter 162

"This is tea rice. These are eggs boiled in tea. And this is tea soup with rabbit meat...." Amy was introducing the dishes on the table.

"Are these all tea dishes? But why haven't I seen any tea leaves in them?" Sherry looked at the dishes. They smelled nice, but she could not find any tea leaves in them.

"This rice is cooked with Hawk tea, so it's very fragrant. These eggs were boiled in tea. Even though the tea leaves used for this dish are just of average quality and not expensive, the eggs are quite nutritious." Amy introduced the details of every tea dish to Sherry.

Sherry was overjoyed. In France, she only tasted the tea given by her Chinese friends. They would tell her how to brew it, but that was all. Today, she not only tried picking tea by herself, but she could also enjoy a meal consisting of tea dishes only.

She thought the trip today was fruitful and she had really learned a lot.

"Can we meet the owner of the tea garden today?" Yuris was pleased with the activities today, too.

"I'm really sorry. The owner of the tea garden has been away. He is probably busy with his own business abroad. Maybe you will meet him next time you come here." The owner of the tea garden was the brother of one of Amy's classmates. He was always nice to Amy, and he helped Amy a lot today by letting her use his tea garden.

"Oh, what a pity! We can't meet the man with such a good taste today. Fortunately, you have told us a lot of things we didn't know. Thank you very much, Amy." Yuris was very grateful to Amy.

"Mr. Keller, it's very kind of you to say that. Have more fish. The fish tastes yummy and tender, and there are very few bones in it." Amy picked up some fish for Yuris. Fish was Yuris' favorite food.

When they left the Evergreen Tea Garden, Amy took many tea leaves on the car. They were all gifts from the owner of the tea garden to Sherry and Yuris.

"We had a lot of greasy food at noon. And let's go to a tea house to have some tea and have a good chat there." Amy also invited another person who was already waiting for Sherry and Yuris in the tea house.

In the antique tea house, even the decorations were teapots and teacups. Amy took Sherry and Yuris to the private room she had booked, and Cathy was already waiting for them there. The water was boiling and bubbling. And the entire room was filled with the fragrance of tea.

"Ms. Rose, Mr. Keller, she is my mother-in-law. She is an expert in making tea. I invited her to make tea for you so that you can enjoy different tea arts in China." Amy introduced Cathy to Sherry and Yuris.

Now Amy finally got the chance to sit down, chat, and enjoy the time today.

They talked about black tea, green tea, flower tea, and all kinds of delicate sweets that went with tea. Soon, their topic shifted from the tea culture to business. And finally, Sherry and Yuris made a business deal with HD Group.

"Yuris, do you feel that we are tricked into making the deal?" Sherry suddenly asked Yuris after they went back to the hotel.

"Yes, and we are happy to do it. Amy didn't force us. It was us who brought up the topic of cooperating with them. We will sign the contract tomorrow. You still have time to change your mind." Yuris said to Sherry affectionately.

"But I don't regret it. I feel that doing business with someone like Amy is the right thing. She is really a smart girl. Somehow, she reminds me of Eliana Rice. Both of them make you want to cooperate with them." Sherry went back to her room, and Yuris followed her inside to give her a massage. It was a long day for them.


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