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Contract Marriage With Mysterious President novel Chapter 52

"Richard, I want to work in your company. I have nothing to do after I came back. I feel bored to stay idle." Allison sat beside Richard.

"Work in my company? You can work in the Field Group, can't you? Why don't you help your brother with business?" Hearing that Allison wanted to work in his company, Richard instinctively rejected her.

"Richard, I can see you every day if I work in HD Group. Don't you want to see me?" Allison pursed her lips. Anyone would compromise just looking at her.

"I'll inform your brother. If I let you work in HD Group without his consent, I guess he will get angry." Richard looked at Allison, and his heart softened.

"He won't. I'll tell him. Richard, we had a deal. Just tell me when to start. My brother never says no to me." Realizing Richard agreed, Allison was very happy. She wanted to stay by Richard's side and would not let any other woman have an opportunity to get close to him.

Allison's office was settled in Richard's. She had replaced Amy. Of course, Amy didn't know about this. She was still recuperating at home.

Although the injury was severe, the medicine she used was the best. Therefore, it didn't take long for Amy's hands to recover.

"Mrs. Carter, it's time for breakfast." A servant had been arranged to feed Amy, but Amy refused. She managed to eat with only two fingers these days.

"Alright." She could have the gauze removed from her hands today. The doctor said that her hands had recovered.

After breakfast, Robin took Amy to the hospital and had the gauze removed. Her hands were even fairer and smoother than before.

Amy looked at her hands happily. It was like she had new hands. Excited, she intended to go downstairs to share her joy with Robin.

When she was waiting for the elevator, she observed her hands again. At this time, the doors of the elevator opened, and the two people inside came into her sight through the gaps between Amy's fingers.

Richard was tall and handsome. Allison was beautiful. They looked like a perfect match just by standing there together.

"Mr. Carter, Miss Field," Amy greeted them.

Richard instinctively felt a little guilty. Although he did not show it on his face, he felt as if he had been caught in cheating behind Amy.

"Amy, I'm really sorry about your hands. How are you doing?" When Allison saw Amy, she immediately walked to her warmly and grabbed Amy's hands.

But she was shocked. How could it be? Weren't her hands supposed to have ugly scars after being burned so badly? But now, Amy's hands were fair and smooth.

"They have recovered. I came to have the gauze removed. I can come to work tomorrow. Thank you for the days off, Mr. Carter." Amy lowered her eyes and pulled back her hands.

Allison smiled awkwardly. She turned to Richard and said with feigned sadness, "Richard, Amy is still angry with me."

Amy was disgusted by Allison's hypocrisy. However, clearly, Mr. Carter liked her, so why did she care?

"I'm leaving." Amy didn't want to see Allison anymore, so she entered the elevator.

Richard had been quiet all the while. He did not know what to say. Looking at Amy's thin figure, he put his arm around Allison's shoulder and left with her.


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