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Contract Marriage With Mysterious President novel Chapter 78

Richard told Allison not to waste her time on him. However, Allison did not listen to him. She gave up her dancing career. She would be a total loser if Richard dumped her.

Allison leaned against Richard and pulled off her skirt, showing her fair chest and shoulders.

"Richard, you could have me. I'll give you everything. Please don't leave me. I love you. I really love you." Allison threw herself into Richard's arms. She tried to kiss him, but Richard stopped her.

"Allison, to me, you're like a goddess and I'd like to keep it that way." Richard stood up from the sofa and helped Allison get dressed.

"Richard, are you leaving me? My leg was broken for you, and I can't dance anymore. How could you leave me?" Allison refused to let Richard go.

Richard paused for a moment. "I'm sorry, Allison. I'll make up for it in other ways." Richard did not hesitate this time. It was not good for anyone.

With that, Richard left. He did not want to stay with Allison now. He was afraid that he would back down because of her tears.

"Richard, Richard, Richard! You can't do this to me!" Seeing Richard open the door and walk out, Allison shouted.

But the door closed. Allison held her hands tightly, and her long fingernails dug hard into her hands.

'Amy, I hate you. I hate you!'

While Amy looked through the job advertisements in her room. Since Allison also worked at the HD Group, Amy didn't want to stay there anymore. She needed to find a job and made some money. Then she could move out.

Amy also checked the rents. Damn, everything in R City was so expensive. The rents were so high.

After checking her savings, Amy found that she could only afford the rent for a year.

Amy sent her resume to a few good companies.

She had been staring at the computer screen for the whole morning, and her eyes were tired. She also felt thirsty.

So she went out to get a glass of water. When she went back to the computer, a company had answered her email.

It was a translation company. They could offer Amy what she required. But she should translate a test first. If she passed, she could get the job right away.

Amy was overjoyed. She drank all the water and opened the document sent by the company. They wanted her to translate it into two languages, French and German.

It was only about 10,000 words. Amy could finish it in an afternoon.

Amy then started to work. It was not difficult. There were a lot of technical terms, but she could handle it.

Amy got busy with the translation and didn't hear Robin calling her for lunch. So, Robin came to her room and called her by her side.

"Robin, I'll skip lunch. Could you wait until I'm done with my work?" Amy would shut out everything when she was working.

Robin couldn't say anything. Richard told him that Amy could do whatever she wanted at home, as long as she didn't go out.

By the time Amy finished translating, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. She checked it for the last time and sent it over.


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