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Contract Marriage With Mysterious President novel Chapter 85

Andy and Amy walked behind Hannah and Hilary. She stood beside the swimming pool and stared at it blankly. While Andy saw it and thought that Amy was still afraid of the water. So, he tried to comfort her.

"It's fine. I'm here. You can try playing in the pool and I will watch and protect you." Andy was attracted by Amy as he saw her perfect body in the black swimming suit.

He immediately looked away. He was proud of his strong self-control. When Allison tried hard to seduce him, he did not have any feelings for her at all. However, now he was turned on by Amy just in a swimsuit.

"Andy, I remember that when I was a kid, I was terrified of the water." When Amy heard Andy's words, she turned around and looked at him.

Seeing Amy's bright eyes, Andy remembered the way she pouted and cried when she was little and took swimming classes. She looked so cute that way.

So, Andy couldn't help but crack a smile.

"I remember how cute you were when you were a little girl and got scared of the water." Andy stroked Amy's hair as he always did in the past.

It was as if they had returned to their childhood.

"What are you guys doing? Come on, Amy, let's play. It's been a long time since we've swum together. I can't wait any longer." Hannah spent some time in the water with Hilary. Seeing Andy and Amy chatting beside the pool, Hannah invited them to get down and join the fun.

"Alright!" Amy looked at Andy and smiled.

"Andy, look at me!" The next second, Amy jumped into the water.

Andy got nervous and cried out when he saw it.

Amy swam a long way before she came up and took a breath.

"Andy, I'm here. I'm not afraid of the water anymore." The swimming pool was filled with Amy's laughter.

Seeing Amy swimming around like a mermaid, Andy also smiled and jumped into the swimming pool. They had a good time together.

After a while, it was time for Amy to go home.

"Wait, I remember now. The colleague from the SY Company asked me to get the documents at the hotel. I haven't got them. You guys have it?" Amy changed her clothes and remembered her work. She was so happy today that she almost forgot her work.

Well, in fact, Andy used this excuse to trick Amy to the hotel. The documents were still in his car.

"Oh, it's in my car. I'll give them to you and drive you home later," Andy replied.

After returning home, Amy went back to her room with the documents. It was over 10 p.m.. Amy thought that Robin and the others might have gone to bed, so she walked in lightly.

"Amy." Suddenly, lights in the living room were turned on, and Robin was waiting for her right there.

Amy was frightened, then she felt a little embarrassed. "Robin, you're waiting for me."

"Yeah, Amy, it is your birthday today. Mr. Carter had asked us to throw a birthday party for you, but you didn't come back. Mr. Carter also prepared some gifts for you." Robin told Amy everything.

Now Amy felt a little sorry. Robin had waited for her all night, but she forgot to call him and tell him that she would be back late.

"Sorry, Robin. I forgot to call you today." Amy lowered her head.


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