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Contract Marriage With Mysterious President novel Chapter 90

When Richard said that Amy was his wife, both Gina and Matt were stunned.

Matt blurted out with disdain, "Mr. Carter, you are a big shot in R City. There are so many girls who will kill to date you. But you chose the one I dumped?" Recently, his collaboration with HD Group had failed, which made him so embarrassed in Wilson Group. He had been hating Richard since then.

As expected, Richard's face darkened.

Although Gina felt happy about what Matt said, she saw Richard's expression and tugged at Matt's sleeve to hint that he should stop.

However, Matt had lost his mind at this time. He was filled with jealousy. He had dated Amy for three years, yet he hadn't even touched her lips. It was truly a huge loss.

"Amy, come back to me. I still love you. No matter how many men you have married, I love you." Matt attempted to pull her out of Richard's embrace.

When Gina heard Matt's words, she was embarrassed. Was Matt crazy to say that before so many people? Didn't he notice Richard's gloomy expression?

"Back off!" Richard gave Matt a kick to keep him away from Amy.

He then walked away with Amy in his arm.

Matt fell to the floor, and Gina went to help him up.

"Scram, you bitch. Scram far away. Amy, Amy, I was wrong. I really was wrong. I love you, and you love me. I know you love me," Matt shouted, drawing the crowd's attention to him.

Gina wanted to get him out of there, but Matt was reluctant to part with Amy. He still wouldn't leave.

"Kick out the people from Wilson Group. Don't ever cooperate with Wilson Group again," Mr. Newell instructed the men beside him when he saw Matt's disrespect for Amy from afar.

Soon, some people went to drive Matt out, who was still resisting. Those men just carried him and threw him out.

Gina picked up Matt's dropped shoe and followed them out. When she was about to walk out of the door, she turned around and vowed fiercely, 'Amy, you will pay for what you did today.'

She thought that Amy was the one having Matt and her kicked out.

"Mr. Carter, let me go. Allison is watching. Aren't you afraid that she'll get angry?" Amy was not used to Richard holding her hand all the time. She had never been so intimate with a man before.

"You're my wife. It's natural for me to hold your hand. Amy, don't you like me?" Richard whispered to her. His hot breath tickled her ear and she laughed.

Allison was very depressed. Seeing Amy smile as Richard whispered in her ear, she became even angrier. Everything that happened to her was Amy’s fault. It was all her fault. If it weren't for Amy's instigation, Richard wouldn't have dumped her. Amy was such a bitch.

When the cocktail party reached its climax, the charity auction began. It was said that there was a mysterious prize at the auction.

Mr. Newell was going to put a lot of his collection up for auction and planned to donate the money to schools and hospitals after the auction.

Those luxuries were too costly for Amy. She didn't even think about having them. She didn't want them either since they were impractical for her.


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