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Contract Marriage With Mysterious President novel Chapter 94

"Ouch!" The beautician, Mandy, shouted. It wasn't a big deal that she dropped the mask, but she couldn't afford to offend any customer in the salon. Those customers here were all rich and powerful.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" The beautician hurriedly apologized to Amy.

"It's fine. It's fine. But the cream mask..." Amy said as she looked at the mask.

"Mandy, this young lady said she didn't need the cream mask. You could use hers for your customer. They are the same anyway." Amy's beautician proposed as she saw that Mandy had spilled the mask. Then she gave Amy's mask to Mandy.

"Okay, I see. Thank you, Jane." Mandy took the mask while Jane went to clean the floor.

Allison chatted with Bellamy for a while. She thought that her mask was probably ready, so she went inside the room again.

As Allison lay down on the bed, Mandy began to apply the mask on Allison's face carefully.

However, Amy got out of the bathroom and heard a deafening scream.

The scream sounded so harsh and painful that a lot of people were running towards the room at once.

Amy also followed them in. She wanted to see what happened. To her shock, it was Allison who was screaming like crazy. She was covering her face with her hands. In a second, her face was full of scarlet scratches she made by herself as well as white residual mask. The scratches were oozing blood.

"What happened?" Bellamy rushed in at that moment. He then went to check Allison's face.

"I'll remove the mask for her first. You guys hold her hands tightly." Seeing the clean water beside, Bellamy grabbed it to clean Allison's face at once. Then, he asked someone to send the residual mask to the laboratory for a test.

He checked Allison's injuries carefully. Now her face was swollen up, and she had many bleeding scratches on her face, which looked so horrible and painful.

Bellamy took a look and he could tell that there was probably something poisonous in Allison's mask. But he wouldn’t know what exactly it was until he got the test result.

"Bring some soothing and anti-allergic ointment here. I'll apply it for her. Then we send her to the hospital and see the doctor." Bellamy carried Allison and left the beauty salon.

"Amy, I was nearly scared to death just now. Did you see how Allison scratched her own face and screamed like crazy? That was terrifying. Do you think there is something in this mask?" Cathy touched her face, seeming worried. But she felt cool and nice with her mask on her face.

The two beauticians were frightened. They didn't do anything. Nor did they know why Allison's face became so horrible.

"What's going on?" Amy asked Jane, who had made the cream mask for her.

"I, I don't know, either. I gave Mandy the mask I made for you, and that's all. But Miss Field's face suddenly became so horrible." Jane was so scared that she began to sob.

"I don't know why, either. I spilled the mask and had to use the one originally made for you ... Oh my God, if it weren’t that you didn't want to apply the mask, you would have been suffering from allergy now." Mandy suddenly realized that the target was supposed to be Amy.

"What? Someone wanted to harm my Amy?" Cathy was furious when she heard that. A beautician was assigned to take care of one specific customer. And the most suspicious criminal was Jane.

Now everyone looked at Jane. Jane hurriedly waved her hands and said, "No, I didn't. I didn't do anything. There are surveillance cameras here. You can check the footage." At this time, Jane herself felt that it was too difficult for her to prove her innocence.


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