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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 184

Book Two Chapter ThirtyTwo 


It’s been three months since I ran away with Sarah, leaving Aspen behind. Every night without him, I lose a little bit more of my soul. I was willing to risk everything to go back to him, even if he sent me back to my betrothed. Anything to make the pain in my chest go away

I rubbed my tiny bump as I thought about what Aspen would think if he saw me now. Would he be happy I’m carrying his child or would he be furious I ran from him? I tried to tell myself that I had no choice. I had to keep Sarah alive. Without her, I wouldn’t have gotten away in the first place. But nothing eased the guilt or the heartache

I’m sorry, little one, I don’t know what to do,I whispered as I looked out the window of the back garden of the motel. The older couple who owns it loves to garden and the building may be older but they keep it in great shape. The gardens make this place even more beautiful

I jumped when the door was thrown open and Sarah rushed in. She was panting as she rested her hands on her knees. My stomach clenched as I knew what this would mean. We were going to have to leave this place

We leaving, aren’t we?I asked as I watched her catch her breath

It’s not like that, Tess,she panted. Alpha Connolly has Luna Orion,she exhaled and my blood ran cold. Why the hell would he have taken her? Aspen’s mother. She’s pregnant



Book Two Chapter ThirtyTwo 

Sarah, I don’t understand. How do you know this?I stammered, heart bleeding for Aspen. He must be losing his mind with worry

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I gasped when a tall figure stood in the doorway of our small room. One hand over my mouth and the other over my tiny bump. He was an alpha and nothing I could do would save me from him if he attacked, but I had to try

Baby sister,he stepped into the small space and closed the door behind him

It’s not what you think,Sarah rushed as I stepped back until I hit the wall. Scanning the room, I tried to find another way out

Why would you do this? Why would you bring him here?I shouted and my brother flinched

Dad’s dead,he said, but that didn’t erase everything the pack had put me through. They all just stood there while he handed me over to that monster

I want you both to come home,he wrapped an arm around Sarah’s waist and pulled her back against his chest. I looked between them, not believing what I was seeing with my own eyes

That’s how you were able to get us away.I pointed at my brother. He was helping.Sarah nodded

I know this is a lot, Tess, but I need you to trust me.” 

Trust you,I snapped. You have lied to me this entire time. You have been with my brother. I thought you were my friend.I cried, tears streaming down my cheeks



Book Two Chapter ThirtyTwo 

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Sis, I understand, but the fewer people who knew about us the better. Dad would have never let her live if he knew.Titus explained

I’m sorry, Tess, I’m so sorry, but I couldn’t risk anyone finding out.She cried. My brother spun her and hugged her tightly against his chest. I haven’t seen this side of him in so long. Always afraid our father would find out and I would be punished

I exhaled as I took a seat at the twoperson table in the room. My head pounded with the new information

Did she tell you everything?I questioned as he and Sarah sat on the edge of her bed

I know you are pregnant, Tessa. I also know the father is a future alpha from the other side. What I don’t understand is why you ran?” 

That doesn’t matter now, does it?I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest

I’m sorry, Tess, I didn’t know your father had died or I would have told you to tell Aspen everything.Sarah sniffled

So, what’s the plan now?I sighed. I wasn’t happy about my best friend lying to me about being with my brother but I knew she was trying to keep me safe. Even though she should have told me the truth

He knows you are a Luna wolf,my brother stated

What are you talking about? I don’t even have my wolf yet. How would he know about my wolf when I don’t?” 

Luna wolves will start to show their abilities even without their wolves



Book Two Chapter ThirtyTwo 

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sis,he stood up from the bed and took steps towards me as he cut his hand with a claw

What are you doing?I gasped, blood dripping from his palm

Lick it,he pushed his hand towards my face

Are you mad? I’m not licking blood,I gaged, my stomach wasn’t handling this well

Then spit and I will prove to you what you are, Tessa,he smirked. I pushed my lips into a line before pooling saliva in my mouth and I spit it in his hand. The gash closed, leaving nothing but healthy skin


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