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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 109

“Edward!” I called his name suddenly and blushed as I realized that my voice came out much louder than I anticipated. Perhaps it was my own anxiousness or the overwhelming silence that made my voice sound so loud.

“What is it?” Edward asked as he faced me.

“Umm…” I hesitated. How do I say this without it coming out as weird? It’s been a long while since I should have said it. Will he feel bad that I had forgotten?

“…Natalia?” Edward called my name questioningly seeing that I didn’t continue.

I got up and pulled Edward to his feet. I didn’t know why I did this exactly, but I felt like what I was going to say had to be made official and standing up face-to-face made it seemed more official?

“I…I’m sorry I didn’t say this before...” I started in a weak voice. Why is my voice shaking so much?

Edward looked at me silently as he waited for me to continue. I can do this. I need to do this properly.

“Edward! Thank you for saving me!” I said firmly as I stared straight into his eyes. His eyes sparkled in the warm light of the fountain; his eyes are so captivating.

“…What?” Edward paused before asking in a soft whisper. He seemed a little confused as he cocked his head slightly to the side. I guess he wasn’t expecting a thank you from me after over ten years and many hours after he’d told me the truth.

“Thank you…for saving me in the forest that day. I meant to say this earlier but…I guess with everything that was going on, I sort of just…forgot. I’m sorry, really!” I explained rapidly as I panicked and couldn’t stop blabbing. I don’t think I’m saying any of this right at all.

After a small pause, Edward burst out laughing. Now it was my turn to be confused. What did I say that was so funny that could make him laugh so hard? Edward was bent over as he continued to laugh. I just watched him as he laughed like a jolly little boy. Edward is amazing, really. Even after all the things he’s been through, he’s still able to move forward, carve a place in the world for himself, and laugh so carefree and happily like this. Watching him, I started to feel my lips form into a small smile.

“What’s so funny?” I asked teasingly.

“Sorry…it’s just…after ten years, I didn’t expect that. Don’t worry, Natalia. I didn’t save you because I wanted any thanks,” Edward said as his laughter calmed down.

Suddenly, I was in Edward’s warm arms. He pulled me into a loving hug as we stood underneath the moonlight and the stars. I felt like today, I learnt a lot more about Edward and who he really was. I nuzzled closer against his chest and wrapped my arms tighter around him. Even if it’s just for now, I wanted to feel safe and comforted in his arms. Edward kissed my temple softly.

“It’s getting windier, we should head inside,” Edward whispered as he led me inside with his arms still wrapped around me.

Once inside, he took me by the hand and led me back to the guest bedroom. Since Edward was the one leading me, we got back to the room in no time. Standing in front of the door to the guestroom, I hesitated a little. I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep after all.

Edward sighed and pulled me along further down the hallway with him. As if he could sense my hesitation, Edward brought me with him all the way to his bedroom. He opened the door swiftly and ushered me in before closing and locking the door behind us. To my absolute surprise, the room’s lights were already on and there were two laptops and three extra screens turned on.

“You were working until just now?” I asked incredulously. When does Edward ever sleep?

“You can’t go to sleep, right? You can sleep here with me,” Edward replied as he ignored my question.


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