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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 122

Morning came much faster than I would have liked. I woke up in bed. Not surprisingly, Reiner probably carried me back to my room. In the end, Reiner is a very good-natured and professional guy. Based on my experiences, I could tell when something that was happening in my life was too good to be happening to me. Apart from learning the hard way that these things won’t last, I have also proudly learnt that I should enjoy it while it lasted and that is exactly what I have decided to do in the limited time I had left with Reiner. Afterall, no matter how many times I asked he didn’t even bother to lie to me that he would stay with me forever.

Today, as promised Reiner is going to bake a cake for me and teach me how to do it in the process. I took a quick shower which made me feel so refreshed and energetic. After that Laura helped me get dress in some relaxing clothes. Reiner was waiting for me right in front of my door and I almost ran into him when I opened the door. He looks quite cheerful today, let’s hope that today will be a wonderful day for us. He didn’t mention anything about the small incident last night and neither did I.

Reiner led me to the kitchen where the staff used to do serious cooking. We have another kitchen that was more for show where Lucien and I could grab stuff from the pantry or the fridge. Obviously, Lucien and I didn’t cook and so I have never really been to the ‘serious kitchen’ where the cooking was actually done.

“So, what are we making today? Well, more like you’ll be making it and I’ll be watching” I asked cheerfully as I stood next to Reiner at the kitchen counter.

“Blueberry cheesecake. It’s easy and I know that you like it,” Reiner replied as he began arranging the ingredients on the table.

“What are you doing?” I asked curiously as he came closer.

“Putting an apron on you. I wouldn’t want your clothes to get dirty. Turn around…” Reiner instructed as he started to put the apron over my head and tying it at the back.

Reiner started to explain the ingredients that he had on the table including butter, cream cheese, crackers, blueberry etc. According to Reiner, this was supposed to be a simple cake to make but this wasn’t my idea of simple. There were too many ingredients. I mean, I never knew it required this many ingredients to make a blueberry cheesecake. I think I will start to appreciate all the cakes and bakery that I put in my mouth from now on a lot more than before.

I think Reiner is now explaining the steps of where we have to start. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what he was saying anymore because my mind was no longer focusing on his words or how to make the cake. I could live my whole life without learning how to make a blueberry cheesecake. Right now, my mind was very focused on just taking him in. The way his lips lifted into a small smile when he asked me if I understood what he was saying, the color of his clear blue eyes as they looked straight at me, how his hand moved as he gestured to various things. I had my whole life in front of me to learn how to bake if I wanted; however, I didn’t have a whole life ahead to spend with Reiner.

“Natalia…are you listening?” Reiner asked suddenly as his hand stilled.

“Yea…I’m a little new at this, sorry if I looked confused,” I replied, hopefully smoothly.

As I had guessed, this session was a lot of Reiner explaining and doing all the work while I stood close to his side and watched. It’s fine, I actually preferred it this way. There are a couple of things that I am good at and being in the kitchen is not one of them. To be honest, I’m just too clumsy to yield good results without causing harm and destruction. Perhaps Reiner knew this because he only got me to do the simples of tasks such as crushing the biscuits into small pieces before mixing them with butter to make the crust of the cheesecake.

“You’re doing pretty good…for a newbie” Reiner complimented me with a laugh.


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