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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 123

I watched as Reiner looked dumbstruck as he stared at the meal in front of him. He looked so out of place here and the uncomfortable look on his face was hilarious. He probably doesn’t know how his reaction just made my day. I continued to watch him as he seemed to think hard about what he should say to me.

“Umm…Natalia, when you said you wanted to eat in a restaurant outside the house…you meant this…fast food place?” Reiner asked with clear confusion.

“Yup. This might seem normal for most people, but to be honest, this is the first time in more than ten years that I’ve been to a fast-food place like this,” I replied cheerfully as I stuffed french-fries into my mouth. Oh…this tastes so good.

“…aha…” was all that Reiner could think of as a reply. He continued to stare silently at his meal without touching his food.

“Since my mother married Lucien all those years ago, my life had to change, and I had to become a proper lady. Needless to say, I was not allowed to eat at a fast-food joint like this. Ah…I really miss this. The atmosphere is so down-to-earth and so relaxing. The food is good and cheap…” I continued to explain to Reiner why I wanted to come here.

Reiner stay silent as he sat opposite me, but it was clear that he was worried about the situation that we were in. From the stares that were directed out way, it was clear that we were attracting a lot of attention. To be more precise, tall and handsome Reiner in his full butler uniform is attracting a lot of attention. I guess it’s not everyday that you see someone in a full butler uniform eating burger and fries casually like this.

“They must think you’re very handsome. Everyone is staring at you,” I whispered to him as I chuckled a little. I was dressed in quite comfortable and casual clothing; however, Reiner who did not suspect that we would end up here instead of a super-upscale restaurant, was in his full butler uniform. I should have told him but my slightly evil side took over and so, I decided to keep it a secret.

“They’re probably making fun of me…not that I care…” Reiner replied curtly as he continued to sit still and straight.

“You’re not going to eat? The food is good…” I asked as I pointed to his still untouched meal.

“I try not to eat unhealthy food…” he replied as he stared into my eyes. You can stress on the word ‘unhealthy food’ as much as you like but this is what I’m happy eating today!

“Fine…I’ll eat it!” I replied as I started grabbing at his food.

“No! Stop…I’m not going to let you eat two sets of fast-food,” Reiner cried out in shock as he grabbed back his food.

“R…choose a number. One or two?” I asked. I do this a lot when I cannot decide on something. Usually, I use it for minor decisions such as choosing which restaurant to eat at between restaurant one and restaurant two. Today, however, I’m using it to decide how to proceed with this little date that we were having.

If he chooses one, I’ll be a true lady towards my butler today. I’ll just visit some of my usual boutiques to do some shopping. He could help me hold my shopping bags and we can go home. Done. If he chooses two, I’ll be a truly naughty lady towards my butler today. I have a long list of things, I only dreamt of doing with Reiner today. I didn’t know which one I preferred; hence, Reiner can choose for me.

“What game is this?” Reiner asked suspiciously. He looked quite confused as he narrowed his pretty blue eyes at me.

“Just pick a number. Don’t worry, your life isn’t on the line here…” I replied. But perhaps mine is, I thought to myself.

“Ok, I don’t know what this is…I choose two,” Reiner finally replied.

“Oh…interesting. Let’s go!” I cried out excitedly when I heard his answer. I quickly grabbed our trays of food and dumped it in the bin myself before walking out of the restaurant.

“Natalia…wait…” Reiner called after me before following me out.

Once we were both outside, I turned excitedly towards Reiner to announce my plan for the day. Reiner probably didn’t understand why I looked so hyped up and he certainly can’t guess what I had in store for him today. This is the choice he made so, he has to sort of live with it, right?

“R! Hold my hand,” I said cheerfully as I stretched out a hand towards him.


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